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Mill On A Misty Day
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Image Title:  Mill On A Misty Day
Favorites: 0 
 By: Dave Stacey  
  Copyright ©2006

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Photographer Dave Stacey  Dave Stacey {Karma:150877}
Project #42 Moody Landscape Camera Model Fuji S5000
Categories Landscape
Film Format Digital JPEG
Portfolio Scenic
B/W or Toned
Winnipeg Scenes
Lens Fujinon 5.7-57mm
Uploaded 4/17/2006 Film / Memory Type Digital @ ISO 200
    ISO / Film Speed
Views 661 Shutter 1/250
Favorites Aperture f/8.0
Critiques 43 Rating
/ 8 Ratings
Location City -  Winnipeg
Country - Canada   Canada
About A local creek in full flood after the snow melt, rushing past Grant's Mill.
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There are 43 Comments in 1 Pages
ricardo longhi-frantz   {K:9628} 6/3/2006
so beautiful place!!!! loved the sepia tones, they add a lovely old-fashioned mood to the scene. very well balanced and composed too!


Andre Denis Andre Denis   {K:66407} 4/26/2006
Hi Dave,
I bet there were thousands of mills like this all over every creek or river in Canada. There are a lot of left over foundations, but not a lot in one piece like this one.


Alison DuFlon Alison DuFlon   {K:36566} 4/26/2006
Wonderful moody feeling, love the sepia which seems to accentuate the mist. Alison.


Pat Oates Pat Oates   {K:3046} 4/24/2006
Dave - Nice capture. It looks like a sepia.


Anson Moye   {K:3480} 4/24/2006
I have a real attraction to photos taken under bad weather conditions, where colors are subdued, and those that aren't are of the warm type. So I have to love this one Dave, and I can see why other are attracted to it too. The slight amount of sepia tint adds much too. A rare shot of what appears to be working mill. Let's see more. Keep the contrast where it is! Sorry Susie. Anson


Marcio Janousek Marcio Janousek   {K:32538} 4/23/2006
Great atmosphere and contrast Dave ; cool image and work , congrats.


Emmanuel Panagiotakis Emmanuel Panagiotakis   {K:6267} 4/23/2006
I love this color tone Dave
Very nice angle also
nice work


Roberto Okamura   {K:22851} 4/22/2006
Excellent moody landscape Dave!
Beautiful work!


Czeslav Gavinkovski Czeslav Gavinkovski   {K:6800} 4/22/2006
Very romantic picture in nice soft tone.


Dave Stacey Dave Stacey   {K:150877} 4/22/2006
Hi Chuck, thanks for the comments! No, I didn't take any in the winter, but that's great idea, I'll put it on the list for next year! Here's another shot I took a few summers ago, in much calmer conditions.


Johancharles Boers Johancharles Boers   {K:4370} 4/22/2006

I like this shot...did you photograph it this winter as well? I think it would look awesome in a all snowy background...but the mist gives it a dreamly look to it as well...Great Job!

Best Wishes,


m , m ,   {K:15872} 4/21/2006
Nice perspective! Fine soft sepia tone suits very well with this composition! lovely details and pleasant view!
Best regards: Maxime


Khaled Mursi Hammoud Khaled Mursi Hammoud   {K:54005} 4/21/2006
I like the mood of the image given by the sepia tone, the running water and the leafless trees.
Very good work Dave, and thanx for sharing this photo of the Mill (we don't have any of them in Egypt).


Vandy Neculae Vandy Neculae   {K:7990} 4/20/2006
Foggy weather. Nice atmosphere!


Larry Quigley Larry Quigley   {K:12887} 4/20/2006
A lovely scenic, Dave. Your tonal handling gives it a wonderful antique look. Well done! Larry


Asim Roy Asim Roy   {K:10051} 4/20/2006
Brilliant landscape Dave, nice sehpia tone,love, asim


Steve Aronoff Steve Aronoff   {K:18393} 4/20/2006
A great atmospheric feel to this one, Dave. I like the tones and graininess.


Brielle Du Flon Brielle Du Flon   {K:1508} 4/19/2006
Great job Dave. I really like this. I like the fact that you made it sepia too. Great job. :)


Mary Slade   {K:40338} 4/19/2006
This is just so atmospheric and timeless Dave. A stunning beautiful image. The colour and capturing the moving water is beautiful.


Arthur Kornienko   {K:9686} 4/19/2006
I really like this one Dave. Super effect and super composition. The mist blends in so well with the effect of your processing. Very well done and congrats.


Kathy Hillard Kathy Hillard   {K:25721} 4/19/2006
Nice shot, Dave, and I like the tones. A very cool old building, and well composed!


Del Metheny   {K:25617} 4/19/2006
We have one very much like that near me. I love old mills. That one looks like it could still grind flour. I visited a working one in Arkansas several years go. I like what you did with the lighting and color for an old object, gives the effect of having been taken years ago. Del.


Laura Spell Laura Spell   {K:24080} 4/18/2006
Well composed, with good tones and details. The mist gives this scene a mysterious look.


vanessa shakesheff vanessa shakesheff   {K:68840} 4/18/2006
Beautiful capture and lovely sepia tone ,looks like a really old picture.nessa


Eb Mueller Eb Mueller   {K:24960} 4/18/2006
What a georgeous mood, Dave! I also like the interest generated by the flood water and the misty, wet atmosphere.


Riny Koopman Riny Koopman   {K:102911} 4/18/2006
Very nicely composed. I like the color scheme here,We have many water mills in the Netherlands Dave...Nice vieuw. Regards, Riny


Pawel Kwasnicki Pawel Kwasnicki   {K:9651} 4/18/2006
very romantic and poetic though dramatic shot, I like the misty atmosphere here and the old-type appearence of the picture; best regards, Pawel


Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia   {K:96391} 4/18/2006
marvelous tones. wonderful bucolic scene.


NN  NN     {K:26787} 4/18/2006
Hi Dave! I like the sepia tones you´ve chosen to present this old mill. Good work!


stingRay pt.4 . stingRay pt.4 .   {K:250401} 4/18/2006
A beautiful soft sepia tone that suits this wonderful composition to a T. Excellent details to be seen throughout and the water movements caught at a perfect shutter speed. An excellent misty moody atmosphere perfectly captured my friend. My very best wishes to you as always....Ray


Larry Fosse Larry Fosse   {K:66493} 4/18/2006
Excellent sepia landscape dave...wonderful tones..and grea composition .


Markus Scholz Markus Scholz   {K:23722} 4/18/2006
A very nice composition, creating the feeling of the beginnings of photography. Through the use of b/w you alleviate the drama of the flooding.

Regards, Markus


Kelly Duntley Kelly Duntley   {K:13889} 4/18/2006
I can certianly feel the mist. It hangs so heavy in the air with this capture. I keep wanting to wipe my glasses off. A wonderful composition with the fast moving water by the mill. Very nice tones.


Paulo Vinícius   {K:2657} 4/18/2006
Good tones and well done composition


Paulo Vinícius   {K:2657} 4/18/2006
Good tones and well composition


Shirley Grove Shirley Grove   {K:5514} 4/18/2006
A stunning capture Dave - so interesting!!! That avenue of trees to the left of the pic calls for a pic too.
The colour is exactly right for this shot.


Fred Lord Fred Lord   {K:4844} 4/18/2006
Dave: Great shot! Fortunately, our runoff is not too bad because it started early.


Gregory McLemore Gregory McLemore   {K:35129} 4/18/2006
A relaxing capture, serene with a pleasing hint of magic.


Dave Stacey Dave Stacey   {K:150877} 4/18/2006
Hi Susie, thanks for the comment! It was a very foggy day, and I wanted to keep that atmosphere.


Dave Stacey Dave Stacey   {K:150877} 4/18/2006
Hi Pat, thanks for the comment! No it's not working but has been kept as a historical site, only open in the summer. It dates back to the 1800's, and was once owned by Cuthbert Grant, one of the founding fathers of Manitoba, and a historical figure in many respects.


Nigel Watts.   {K:5236} 4/18/2006
Very nice photograph. Fair bit of water in that river


Pat Snelling Weiner   {K:1920} 4/18/2006
Wow! That is cool. Is it a working mill? Pat


Susie OConnor Susie OConnor   {K:34798} 4/18/2006
Nice shot Dave! I love the subject matter and it's even more unusual with the flood waters. I might consider bumping up the contrast a bit (?) but that's just my taste. ) Great find!




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