Jean-Francois Bissonnette
{K:742} 11/1/2008
Salut Jean-François,
Superbe photo, c'est ce qu'on appelle être à la bonne place au bon moment! En plus il faut que le cadrage soit bien fait... Excellent dans ce cas-ci.
Jean-Francois Garneau
{K:1898} 4/24/2006
Thank you Jeanette, I am glad you like it. JF
Jeanette Hägglund
{K:59855} 4/23/2006
Congrats for the POD and such great capture and crop Jean-Francois!
Jean-Francois Garneau
{K:1898} 4/21/2006
Thanks for taking the time to comments Peta ! Cheers, JF
p e t a .
{K:18700} 4/19/2006
stunning shot, love the delicate graduation in blue tones. congrats on the award, I gotta go look at your other pics now :)
Kiarang Alaei
{K:49415} 4/16/2006
Yes, light is like life Jean, but as We choose some things in the life and never choose some other things,photographer chooses the moment of clicking,and in that moment the light must be well!
Jean-Francois Garneau
{K:1898} 4/16/2006
Merci Roberto pour vos bons mots... et Joyeuses Paques à vous aussi ! JF
Jean-Francois Garneau
{K:1898} 4/16/2006
Kiarang, light is like life, sometimes it isn't perfect at all ;-) Thanks for your comments.
Jean-Francois Garneau
{K:1898} 4/16/2006
Thanks Joel, it's "Airliner Day" on Usefilm... *grin* Thanks for your kind words. JF
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 4/16/2006
c'est magnifique.. une photo très belle avec les parfait silhoeutte.. congratulationne.. and bonne pasque.. roby 7
Kiarang Alaei
{K:49415} 4/16/2006
A very interesting capture, you could show the Distance very well with the depth of perspective. just pity for the light that isn't perfect at all. bravo Jean!
Joel Aron
{K:14920} 4/16/2006
Very amazing composition!
Has about the same theme as my image of a plane! Pretty funny that we're both on the front page today!
I love the contrast in this, and the brilliant ramp of natural sky blue! the detail in the jet is amazing! Beautiful, almost abstract composition!
wonderful image! Well done, and congrats on the well deserverd award!!
cheers, -joel
Kambiz K
{K:37420} 4/10/2006
Rina, I am sorry if you felt that I was rude to Jean-Francois? I like it's curve. that's all. Also I wrote my sincere feelings and not more.
Jean-Francois Garneau
{K:1898} 4/9/2006
Thanks for your comments Hugo... Funny thing is, I didn't even know my uploads were eligible for award !
Jean-Francois Garneau
{K:1898} 4/9/2006
Thnaks Karina !
Jean-Francois Garneau
{K:1898} 4/9/2006
Hey Kambiz K, I'm just a guy who likes to take pictures and share with others. You like, that's OK. You don't, that's OK too. I dont really care. Many other pictures you can comment on. You have a chip on your shoulder about the site or it's practices, write the administrators. Cheers.
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 4/9/2006
Hi Jean-Francois, Great shot, the minimalistic approach and the antagonist placement of the subjects works very well. Good feel, too. A very well deserved award. Very appealing image.
Karina Brys
{K:16541} 4/9/2006
Interesting composition. Good title!
Caterina Berimballi
{K:27299} 4/9/2006
Kambiz, that's enough ok? Jean-Francois has NO control over who decides awards, so your comment is INAPPROPRIATE here. It is also RUDE.
Comments on an image are NOT the basis of an award, so stop being sarcastic. You just sound bitter. A judge has obviously seen this image and decided it was worthy. END OF STORY.
Kambiz K
{K:37420} 4/9/2006
ISN'T be nice to get this >>fotographer of the day << title WITHOUT being get ANY COMMENTS from anybody!
It has been happened so often in this site?! AND
STILL I am wondering about THIS MAGICAL Voting!!
Not a bad image. I love that curve rather than that aeroplane!