I am sorry to hear about your pain my friend. It is obvious to me that photography is for you, as it is for many of us, all about Chronic Joy! The perfect antidote.
I hope you disagree with Lisa that my remarks are either nasty or designed to cut into your joy.
I don't think this is that bad of a photo either. In fact, I think this is a wonderful photo. That is why I took the time to critique it.
While you may have missed my intention, the purpose of my comments were solely to direct attention to the parts of the image which I felt could be improved. The difference between a critique and an attack may be a small one, but it is extremely important not to confuse the two. I am not attacking Drecci in any way.
Also, I stand by my comments despite my new understanding of the photographer's challenges. We are all challenged in various ways and none of us will ever know everything. Hopefully, we are here to grow, both as photographers and individuals. I know that is my task.
Rereading my critique, I would like to reword the line in which I say: You have to stop cutting the frame so tight. To put that more positively, I should have said: It would help if you could frame your subjects to leave more space all around them which you could later crop if necessary.
The cockiness of my previous statement is perhaps the result of my familiarity with Drecci's work and the knighthood which Drecci recently bestowed upon me which definitely had an inflating effect on my ego. A kind gesture from a kind person who I will never disrespect by asking any less of because of their physical abilities.
Have you tried using a monopod? That is, a tripod with only one leg to stabalize your camera and assist the task of holding the weight of both the camera and lens. It can be a great tool when you are shooting in an auditorium.
Drecci: I have looked at your other work and I can see you definitely have some talent and love for what you do. Don't let someone who thinks they know everything about photography cut into the joy of what you do. I like the way the girls are posed here and while the one ball is positioned oddly, I do not think John had the right to be so nasty about the photo. I don't think this is that bad of a photograph compared to some of the ones I have seen on here. if you love photography then keep doing it -- keep working through the pain because I bet in the long wrong the pain will seem less when photos you like come out. It does't matter what other people think anyhow, I've decided. If I like the photo and it represents something that means something to me than forget everyone else and their out of line over zealous tactics. Do want you have to do to make the photo good. Standing in a different spot may have helped with this one in regard to some of the composition, but I really feel that this is a very good photo in its idea and overall presentation.
Okay Drecci, I'm going to be quite critical of this one. I don't think you made these girls look very good here. If this is supposed to be syncronized gymnastics, you have shown them out of sync. The camera has captured what we hope the judges won't see. You have to stop cutting the frame so tight. This is the second post of this sort which shows a hand cut off. Also, there is a 4th ball growing out of one of the girl's heads.