"Fabio" really a difficult situation, for me,in avaible light, masking during the print on the right side of frame to reduce the difference between the dark side and luminous siede of the image, tell me honestly what do u think about it. Suggestions are welcome.
Exposure mesured in incident light with a gossen luna-pro sbc
Tech spech: develop->rodinal 9min fixed-> agefix 7min Print: develop->neutol 1+9 70sec fixed->agefix 1+9 70sec scan from a 17cmx17cm print, ilford rc multigrade perle No post-production at all
..bella l'ambientazione con quelle due portelle e la posa del giovine architetto. la stampa pare buona..anche se, secondo me, (critica corner) ti persistono problemi con la scansione..ho fatto un confronto con le foto scattate da Paola con la yashica (ma scannerizzate con altro scanner) e paiono molto piu nitide ed è impossibile che tu sistematicamente vada fuori fuoco...a questo punto credo sia quasi certo che lo scanner zappi..ovviamente è legato solo ad un problema di presentazione web...oramai stampi in casa...ma con i fratelli chimici ci si confronta via webby quindi mo' cagnete lo scanner :-))..ah..ah..
Luce difficile, quella che filtrava dalla finestra forse ti ha ingannato. Poco male, i dettagli del volto ci sono tutti, ...qui il "polistirolo" avrebbe fatto il miracolo.... sarà per la prossima volta ;) Dai ...buttati!!
Accidenti! mi metti in difficoltà: una critica seria e approfondita! A me piace la composizione, la posizione delle finestre ed in mezzo il soggettos curo. Mi richiama moltissimo la pittura di Vermeer, se non fosse che lui usava i colori e tu il bianco e nero. Spero di averti fatto un commento costruttivo, è tutto quello a cui posso arrivare. Ciao Efisio!
I agree, it's not an easy shot, with the bright natural light, and the dark clothes, creating an incredibly strong contrast.
Still, I like what you did with it. Especially the mid tones are very well exposed, but that also results in an overexposure of the window, as well as a loss of some of the details in Fabio's sweater.
There are a few dust spots visible, which could be removed, but they're barely worth mentioning.
As to the composition, my only "complaint" would be the cut off hand on the left; other than that, I think the room plays a very important role in sketching the atmosphere, a very good touch. Cropping it closer around fabio could also result in a well balanced composition, but would shift the attention to Fabio. The inclusion of the room is a very strong addition, so I wouldn't change a thing about that.
What filter did you use with the RC multigrad paper? Perhaps a softer contrast and dodging the sweater would produce a somewhat flatter, yet more balanced tonal range. Interesting shot, though, and as you know, I'm envious; I'd love to get back into dark room stuff again! Who knows... Maybe later this year!