Jeroen, I was assigned to an air squadron that was part of the USS Enterprise Airwing from 1975 to 1979. I made a couple of WesPac cruises on the "Big E". Thanks for your,(I guess its called "concern?") re: my having or not having a copyright to the image in question. I shot that picture from the top of the ships island during flight ops on the Pacific Ocean sometime during the 1976-1977 WesPac cruise. I have many negatives to prove it. At that time there were no restrictions that I can recall. Since my recent purchase of a new film scanner, I am re-discovering and posting images shot long ago. By the way do you know what the initials "MYODB" stand for? Those initials mean "MIND YOUR OWN DAMM BUSINESS" !!! Peace !
I wonder where you got this image. A bit of research has shown that it must have been taken between 1975 (maybe late 1974) and 1978. Before that the aircraft was stationed on USS America as 603 with another squadron, in 1978 it was decomissioned to NAS China Lake and placed in unflyable storage as an intended museum piece.
I'd also be highly interested in the conditions that caused you to have permission to use a camera on a carrier during flight operations, when normally access to the flight deck during operations is strictly limited to duty staff only and use of cameras for non-official purposes banned at all times except sometimes during portcalls.
Posting images you don't own the copyright to isn't allowed, as you should know.