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blyth beach
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Image Title:  blyth beach
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Photographer  KEVIN TEMPLE {Karma:8657}
Project N/A Camera Model Canon G2
Categories Seascapes
Film Format
Portfolio Lens fixed
Uploaded 3/12/2006 Film / Memory Type iso200
    ISO / Film Speed
Views 688 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 24 Rating
/ 4 Ratings
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Country - United Kingdom   United Kingdom
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There are 24 Comments in 1 Pages
Ricardo Zanella Ricardo Zanella   {K:98} 11/24/2007
Linda foto. Perfeita natureza em transformação.


Agnes Lemley   {K:427} 4/28/2006
This image proves once and for all the old adage "It's not the camera, it's who is behind the camera." Or perhaps whose behind the image editor. I love everything about this picture. The sky is especially wonderful


Bart Aldrich   {K:7614} 4/13/2006
Beautiful shot. If I have to pick at something, it is a bit cut in half with the horizon line in the middle and I'd like to see the fence lead into the image on a more diagonal line. But the distant people are the perfect touch and the sky is awesome. A fine job of adding the sky, too.
I'd give it a 6!


John Segon-Fisher John Segon-Fisher   {K:2580} 3/17/2006
This is an excellent composition - sharpness, exposure, colours and atmosphere.



david henderson david henderson   {K:16659} 3/14/2006
Kevin, a bold land/sea scape, it is good, the temptation is to try and 'feature' the sand and the sky leaving the horizon slap bang in the middle of the a somewhat repetitive advocate of the law of thirds I would like to move the horizon up or down to give emphasis to either the sand or the vote in your fine shot is for the sand, it has nice shadows and light variations, could the barrier go to the left slightly?!!.......I like this shot and see that variation in composition could give it more power, good work. cheers, david.


Rima Dario   {K:4427} 3/14/2006
Splendida immagine,complimenti.
Ciao Dario.


B Hawkins   {K:1529} 3/14/2006
Very nice, Kevin. I would disagree with Roger, as I feel that the warm beach and cold sky give the feeling of one watching an approaching storm. It really illicits memories of watching storms blow in. I also feel that the "holes" in the clouds (top right) add to this feeling.

I do agree with Salvatore that the center seems a bit noisy. Not sure if that is the compression from the upload or the processing. Either way, I feel that if you deal with the noise, you have an extraordinary picture!


B Hawkins   {K:1529} 3/14/2006
Very nice, Kevin. I would disagree with Roger, as I feel that the warm beach and cold sky give the feeling of one watching an approaching storm. It really illicits memories of watching storms blow in. I also feel that the "holes" in the clouds (top right) add to this feeling.

I do agree with Salvatore that the center seems a bit noisy. Not sure if that is the compression from the upload or the processing. Either way, I feel that if you deal with the noise, you have an extraordinary picture!


Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 3/13/2006
woooooooow kevin, i remeber your work, but also is many time that i don't see your work, and this is a real sin!
here.. look it.. the fantastic impressive minimalistic mood that you have captured!
my dear friend your shot and last series are incredible.. is perfect in my favs and best wishes!!!


Mark Evans Mark Evans   {K:17428} 3/13/2006
Great photo , love the sky younging .. marky .


Roger Williams Roger Williams   {K:86139} 3/13/2006
Well, Kevin, as you know, I rarely leave comments on your photoart images these days because of our different outlooks (the original image vs. the creation of "might-have been" images), but I'll jump in here. I don't think this sky looks as if it belongs with the beach. The largely desaturated clouds don't seem "right" for the warmer colouring of the sand. But it is nicely imagined and that kind of sky WOULD have been nice with that kind of beach. Oh yes, there's no mirroring of the beams of sunlight through the clouds on either sea or beach. So it just jars a bit with me. If you're going to try to improve on nature, I think you do have to look really NATURAL. That's what PS is for, isn't it!


Ellen Smith Ellen Smith   {K:14418} 3/13/2006
Wonderful shot and PS work. This looks like it could have been taken at my place today. We had a wicked sky tonight.


John Pitman   {K:8473} 3/13/2006
Like this but would like it to have been taken lower down and with the fence not so central. John


Claire  Murray Claire  Murray   {K:1479} 3/13/2006
can't believe you got blyth beach looking so stunning, but then the sky could almost have been as it was! i love the moody sky, good call and the white skirting of the sea is almost like the silver lining! the colour and light on the wooden posts are beaut. also like the figure on the right, wonder if you needed the couple on the left though. really beautiful folio...stunning part of the world!


Laura Haw Laura Haw   {K:2696} 3/13/2006
excellent image. The colours and lighting are perfect!


Salvatore Rossignolo   {K:13559} 3/12/2006
This is really a great picture. It has fantastic elements of composition. My only critisism is the area dead in the middle of the shot shows signs of over post processing, and it wouldn't be egregious except for the fact that ones eye is lead straight to it by the pilings. Other than that this is truly a million dollar shot.


Chelsea Burke   {K:5750} 3/12/2006
I love this image, but I'm wanting to change the composition. That ol' rule of thirds. Your horizon is almost in the middle, as is that fence. I'm wanting it taken from a position more to the right to put that fence further to the left, and crop off some of the top, get rid of those blue holes on the upper right and that blob off the top of the dark cloud. Emphasize more the beautiful sun rays and shapes of the lower clouds. Even as it is, though, it's a lovely shot, makes me want to take a stroll along the beach.


jacques brisebois   {K:73883} 3/12/2006
hy Kevin, long time since I comment one of your pic... just missing time. Just a few words to tell you that you make many wonderful pic since my last visit. This one is really nice, great dramatic atmosphere, dark contrast, very nice composition, just love it.
Have the best.


Fabio Keiner   {K:81109} 3/12/2006
very great


roger bourland roger bourland   {K:2762} 3/12/2006
dramatic image well done


Imrana Kapetanovic Imrana Kapetanovic   {K:975} 3/12/2006
Excellent shot - the clowds are makeing the atmosphere here. Without them photo would be still good, with good composition, but with them - you have a real story.


Danny Brannigan   {K:19523} 3/12/2006
It reminds me of a tenis net.Kevin I am judging at Ashington this Thursday. any chance of taking me up the coast or onto Holy Island.


Doyle D. Chastain Doyle D. Chastain   {K:101119} 3/12/2006
Ok, this IS the cc, so here goes . . . the sky seems to be almost black and white and does not seem to really go with the beach colors . . . (Dark vs. warm). On the plus side - the sky is a great shot, interesting and well shot. I'm thinking if you were to cool the color of the sand a bit and possibly add some light tint to the sky . . . you might have something amazing!
This is, however . . . all nitpicking aside, a great shot. My comments are only because the CC images are requesting brutal honesty.
Another plus . . . the more I look, the more I see that the cloud gaps seem to match the beach lighting excellently.

Regards -
Doyle I


Jeanette Hägglund Jeanette Hägglund   {K:59855} 3/12/2006
Truly a great shot Kevin. I like the wooden section leading put to the water and also leading my eyes to the water. The clouds and rays seems so dramatic and add to the scene. I wich i was there and could feel the sand between my toes.





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