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Street Scene
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Image Title:  Street Scene
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 By: Roger Williams  
  Copyright ©2006

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Photographer Roger Williams  Roger Williams {Karma:86139}
Project N/A Camera Model Bessaflex
Categories Panoramic
Film Format Film 35mm
Portfolio Spherical Panoramas
Lens Peleng 8mm F/3.5
Uploaded 2/26/2006 Film / Memory Type Fuji Superia 400
    ISO / Film Speed
Views 593 Shutter 1/250
Favorites Aperture f/11
Critiques 8 Rating
/ 2 Ratings
Location City -  Bubaigawara
Country - Japan   Japan
About This was shot just a few yards from my recent "Seamy Side" panorama... and was prepared in the same way--four circular fisheye shots warped and stitched together for viewing as an immersive panorama in Virtual Reality mode. You can't see those on Usefilm--YET! With this one I've been fussy with the details and have used layers to include and exclude the people who appeared twice (i.e., in two different original fisheye shots). At the same time I tidied up a few rough edges where parallax in my original camera positioning caused stitching problems. This work is really quite demanding. I do hope you think it's worth it...
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There are 8 Comments in 1 Pages
Roger Williams Roger Williams   {K:86139} 3/15/2006
Thank you, Steve. I am surprised to find there was anything left in the sky areas that could be brought up--the advantage of film, perhaps? [g] I have a lot of trouble with skies here in Japan. They are often a bright, white haze. Sometimes I will go to B&W just to make that less intrusive. Your treatment works!


Steve Aronoff Steve Aronoff   {K:18393} 3/15/2006
I love the shot, Roger. It's such an unusual perspective. I think there's only one other aspect you need to address which is the tonal balance. The sky is so bright that it draws much to much attention to itself. It would be worth taking a few minutes to play around with lighting levels. I made a rough approximation of what I mean.
Really nice!!


lighting altered

vanessa shakesheff vanessa shakesheff   {K:68840} 2/28/2006
I love these images ..interesting to look at .best wishes nessa


Roger Williams Roger Williams   {K:86139} 2/27/2006
Matej, a german professional panorama photographer did an amazing shot of his garden in which his children were playing. They appeared in any number of different attitudes and activities. But normally the removal of duplicates is limited to people who appear whole in one shot and who straddle the stitch, appearing as half of themselves in the other. You have to delete those! I wouldn't like to take a stitched panorama of the Boston Marathon, though... [grin] Recently, the stitching software has pretty good algorithms for identifying and removing doppelgangers, and I sometimes find myself painting them back in!


Matej Maceas Matej Maceas   {K:24381} 2/26/2006
I'm curious what it would look like if you didn't remove duplicate people. It could be fun to do this in a more crowded place and actually try to get everyone into as many shots as possible :-)


Roger Williams Roger Williams   {K:86139} 2/26/2006
Thanks, Petal. Using a fisheye has no effect on the final image... it would have looked exactly the same if I had taken it with, say, a 50mm prime lens. I would just have had to shoot three rows of 25 shots each, and then stitched 75 photos. It's easier, despite the "warping" involved, with only four fisheye shots! You're right about these getting to look gimmicky after a while. They are not supposed to be looked at like a print, but using a virtual reality viewer, so that you can pan and zoom through the image. This completely removes the distortion and feels as if you are actually there where the photo was taken!


Petal Wijnen Petal Wijnen   {K:50989} 2/26/2006
I can only imagine how much post work that was, but I like the outcome... it looks kind of weird and yet it sort of 'grows on you' looking at it a bit longer.... ;-D!! Neat effect using a fisheye lens for this, would've been easier using a standard lens but then no effect of course!! With this I afraid the 'overkill' effect also sets in: the 'Oh it's one of those again' remarks.... but for now I really like it... well done!!


luisa vassallo luisa vassallo   {K:28230} 2/26/2006
i like the idea and the composition!!




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