. .
{K:-231} 8/18/2007
I simply adore this picture. Although being a hockey fan, it was a given! Wonderful work!
ps-Personally, I enjoy the thick frame. :)
Taras R. Hnatyshyn
{K:4055} 4/3/2006
Nice image. It's always fun watching kids play hockey. They put in much more heart than most of the pros...
To me it seems as if the goalkeeper is visualizing making the save before the play even gets in her end, the sign of a focussed player.
jacques brisebois
{K:73883} 2/26/2006
real great job, I like the serious look on the left and movement on the right. Great pic.
Laura Haw
{K:2696} 2/26/2006
Well, I've played with this one a bit more but ended out leaving the frame size since I wanted to add a title. But I did get rid of the bright green name tag and fixed the frame up a bit.

Christian Miller
{K:988} 2/26/2006
Truly a momento and neat shot. Well done. - Christian
SarahM none
{K:7836} 2/26/2006
Thanks so much for the explanation Laura! I would not have guessed that this is how you did it. Very clever and it worked out perfectly! thanks again!
Laura Haw
{K:2696} 2/26/2006
Sarah, thank you so much for the comments. This kind of came about by accident. The shot of her making the safe was quite blurry so I had the idea of making it a 'ghost'. Using Photoshop, first I overlayed the two photos using the net to line them up. Then I roughly cutout her making the save, feathering the edges. Then I brought down the opacity to about 60% for that layer and that's what I ended out with. Oh yah, with a bit of contrast, hue and levels work in between :) I will definitely test out a thinner frame next time. Thanks!
SarahM none
{K:7836} 2/26/2006
I think this is a really neat shot. If you had a moment, it would be great if you could put an explanation of the shot so folks could learn from your good work! Is this a double exposure? The shot is well composed. The colors are crisp and the details are sharp. Well done! The only suggestion I would offer is that your framing seems a bit heavy to me. For me, it detracts from a great shot. I do think the black makes it look crisp though. I have put another suggestion on framing. Just a suggestion...great job!
