Kralik Dr Jaroslav
{K:3385} 4/26/2006
Dubravko, ako se razumes u crkvena obelezja (mislim da svemu pristupas vrlo ozbiljno i studiozno), molim Te objasni mi znak ispod Hristovog raspeca, na mojoj fotografiji "What ?" od 25.4. ... Nesto mi tamo ne stima... (?!)
Kralik jaroslavkralik@yahoo.com
Chuck Freeman
{K:13616} 4/24/2006
Just like a LEICA and Superia Film. Great shot. I rate a 7. Chuck
 Vintage from Year 1971. |
Yutaka Itinose
{K:22586} 4/13/2006
Best photoart dear Dubravko,I love this perfect sense best.
kokupsy_un morita
{K:2651} 4/10/2006
great capture. beautiful color of shadow. it have many many fun colors. i like this pic.
Mary Slade
{K:40338} 4/9/2006
Just discovered your pictures- just stunning. The textures, colours, angles and shodows here are wonderful.
Masahiko Shibata
{K:14107} 3/18/2006
Hi!!Duvrabko!!I am so busy in my oilpainting work now.But I am always watching your photoworks here!!This is wonderful!!Thanks!
Oui Lee
{K:3238} 3/13/2006
great abstract dubravko! well done.
Tony Quinlan
{K:2094} 3/7/2006
Great picture my friend.
Jeanette Hägglund
{K:59855} 2/28/2006
Excellent use of shadows here Dubravko!
Dirk Noort
{K:9683} 2/26/2006
Great picture! always a interesting shot you come up with, love the shadow that you captured. Dubravko, what is the brand name of efke bromide paper and is it also fiber based, I want to purchase some, but I want to make sure I buy the efke bromide paper, since it work so well with efke 100 negatives. If you have the answer for that, please let me know! Thanks so much, Dirk.
Ismet Smajis
{K:6911} 2/24/2006
bravo Odličan rad
vladimir antic
{K:3307} 2/24/2006
Dobro uoceno! ..krs senka i krst prozor...odlicno
Kralik Dr Jaroslav
{K:3385} 2/24/2006
Znao sam da ces nas iznenaditi Dubravko. Tvoji kapaciteti su nesluceno veliki. Imas "ono" za fotografiju (na slovackom se to kaze, u slengu, "šmrnc")... Pohvala od srca
Piero Somma
{K:13399} 2/23/2006
very original composition...great play shadow.. congrs....ciao
Karina Brys
{K:16541} 2/23/2006
Perfect composition. Superb "Leica" quality.
Hamdy Reda
{K:874} 2/23/2006
wonderfull shadow use, great composition.
Rashed Abdulla
{K:163889} 2/23/2006
very great Silhouettes and very pleasant to view , all of the best my friend.