Lachlan Rex
{K:159} 4/9/2003
Ahh Yes Jennifer, photography is what one makes of it!, Although to add a photo to a project for "Long Exposure" that drops incredibly short of a shutter time of 2 minutes is then questionable if then this work is in fact "long Exposure". To me long exposure is past the point where the camera's internal shutter relase can operate (so say over 30seconds).
Jennifer Hampton
{K:83} 4/5/2003
I disagree, Lachlan Rex. Photography is what you make it. If Stephen is happy with his work, that's all that matters. I know this peice makes me feel great--it brought a smile to my face. Good work!
Lachlan Rex
{K:159} 4/2/2003
Stephen, I have come across many of your photos in this "Project - Long Exposures", I can see how this and other shots of yours may have seemed to have been "Long" although I feel that your not yet pushing your limits, and thus I feel that is what photography is all about. So heres the challange (You may need to purchase a "Shutter Release Cable" a purchase that you will be glad of, once you feel the power of it! Now set up a shot like that of cars travelling at night, lock the shutter open for say 20 to 40 minutes! The you shall truely be able to say you have shot "Long Exposure" :))
Matt Hardy
{K:474} 2/12/2003
This image brings a smile to my face. Good capture.
Megan Forbes
{K:4617} 2/7/2003
Lovely light capture, beautiful kids!