Aysa Kilic
{K:190} 3/17/2007
zeki oldugu dogru ama besiktasli oldugu yanlis uzgunum oda sahibi gibi Galatasarayli ;)begendigine sevindim
zalifre kızı
{K:408} 3/17/2007
kocaman gagasıyla cok sırın ve sempatık bır ordek.Emınım kı kendı turlerı ıcersınde en zekı olanı :) üstelık besıktaslı...sewdım onu :))
Laura E.
{K:5598} 2/16/2006
Hi Aysa,
Thanks for the update on your duck. I can see that she is well-loved by your family. I didn't realize that she was an "indoor duck". Actually, I didn't know there was such a thing as an indoor duck! If it's too dangerous, please don't bring her outdoors. I wouldn't want her to be harmed in any way.
I look forward to more of you photos on Usefilm!
Aysa Kilic
{K:190} 2/15/2006
Thanks again Laura. It is she. And beleive it or not, she gives us eggs everyday without a male. We asked the situtiation to veterinary and he said they could make eggs without reproduction. But when we first saw the egg, we were shocked, we thought as if she 's a Mona Lisa cos she lives indoors and never get out of it. So not a chance to make reproduction with a male duck. Unfortunately there is not a picture of her in outdoors.So I will put a indoor picture of her today. But when winter is over, I will take her to meadows and take a picture of her I promise. Currently I cannot take her to outdoors cos there is bird flu risk. And me and my family likes her a lot.She is the member of our family actually... Bye
Laura E.
{K:5598} 2/15/2006
Hi Aysa,
Your duck is adorable! Can you show us another shot of him (or is it her?), maybe taken outdoors to reveal a little more detail?
Looking forward to your next submission.