M.M. Meehan
{K:3751} 2/5/2003
Love the silhouettes and the deep blue of twilight. Very nice. The sunpath is one of my weaknesses. I love the light paths on water.
GJ Noni
{K:992} 2/4/2003
To me the composition is excellent (I realize your cropped?). Just to get the gulls as they are is very good. I do not mind the saturation, it makes it stand out. I judge a photo at times by my level of desire of having taken it. I really wish I had taken this one :)
Toni Martin
{K:5092} 2/4/2003
You did a very good job on the fixing! Just shut my mouth!!!
Verna Absolutestockphoto
{K:2836} 2/4/2003
Hi Folks...here is the photo before adjustments and edits and fix's were added...THANKS
Ken Alexander
{K:3905} 2/4/2003
Absolutely beautiful forms and composition, Verna, but I'm going to swim against the tide here and say that the colors are too unrealistic for my taste. Not that my taste is necessarily shared by anyone else!
Toni Martin
{K:5092} 2/4/2003
Wow, nice framer! Might be just a tad over saturated. Was there any green on the water on the film?
Andy Eulass
{K:13435} 2/4/2003
Just stunning. The blues just overwhelm my eyes. Great work with the layered effect of the water and the sky.
Scott Marceau
{K:479} 2/4/2003
Great colors, I like the sunlight along the water. I gave it a 10.