City - TX State - WAY PAST GEORGETOWN. Country - United States
This is a cemetery next to railroad tracks. I always heard the term growing up "the poor side of the tracks". They even made the reference in Polar Express. Crossing the tracks leads to a usually poorer side of town depending on your direction. Thought this was a different spin on the subject. I tried about 6 or 7 shots, Trying to get the feel of the train tracks and cemetery. I think this one is the best but will try an other. Left the blue in the sky as a kind of a great beyond to where the dead might have gone. One more set of tracks to cross I guess. Thanks for looking. ... Mark
Before I read your comments, it was the blue sky against the black and white which captivated me! But also how it moved colour gradually. Seeing the sign "crossing" pointing upwards, I thought of the mystery- crossing to what? An amazingly powerful picture.