Robert Kocs
{K:89085} 2/19/2006
Estoy muy alegre que usted conocerá Budapest. Mi ciudad es maravillosa y muy amistosa! Gracias por su visita y palabras agradables! :)
Un abrazo Kike querido! Tenga un día agradable! Robert
kike Calvo
{K:11291} 2/19/2006
No conozco Budapest, pero te aseguro que viendo tus fotografías mi interés por conocerlo ha aumentado. kike
Robert Kocs
{K:89085} 2/7/2006
Thank you dear Harry for your visit and nice comment! :)
Best wishes! Robert
{K:11377} 2/7/2006
Nice street photography I like the realistic view of peoples presents, the sepia tones adds great the ambient! Cheers, Harry
Robert Kocs
{K:89085} 2/3/2006
Szia Gábor, örülök, hogy tetszik az új sorozat. Tervbe van véve a folytatás csak legyen rá idöm és szép nap. Köszi a kedves gondolatokat! :)
Szia és kellemes hétvégét! Robi
Ruskovits Gabor
{K:348} 2/2/2006
Megnéztem a sorozatod, nagyon jó, szerintem ezeket a varosi kepeidet eroltethetned tobbet, mert nagyon tetszenek. Jó a szépia effekt, meg a témaválasztás is. Gratulálok
Robert Kocs
{K:89085} 2/1/2006
Molto grazie caro amico! Lo apprezzo! :)
Ciao Simone! Robert
Simone Tagliaferri
{K:28180} 2/1/2006
Magnifica. Veramente splendida.
Robert Kocs
{K:89085} 1/31/2006
Thank you for your visit and kind comment dear Nessa! :)
Kind regards! Robert
vanessa shakesheff
{K:68840} 1/31/2006
Wonderful image and lovely sepia tone..i love snow but hate horrible mucky slush that sometimes comes with it.best wishes nessa
Robert Kocs
{K:89085} 1/31/2006
Thank you so much for your kind words dear Kes! I'm really glad you like it! :)
Kind regards! Robert
Nelson Moore [Kes] -
{K:20241} 1/31/2006
Icy & slushy street photography! Looks cold! Nice tones and the street leads the eye into the shot well.
Robert Kocs
{K:89085} 1/30/2006
Dear Hugo, I always gladly read your great comment as now. Thank you so much for your continual support & kindly words! I really appreciate it! :)
Kind regards! Robert
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 1/30/2006
Hi Robert, good street scene,. Very much alive, and it presents us with a good overview of the wintery conditions. The tone adds a sense of timelessness, but I do find it a bit soft. For the feel of the image, I think B&W would've sufficed.
Robert Kocs
{K:89085} 1/30/2006
Thank you so much for your kind words dear Izudin! :)
My best wishes! Robert
Robert Kocs
{K:89085} 1/30/2006
Dear Mireille, I'm glad you like it. Thank you for your kindly words! I really appreciate it! :)
My best wishes! Robert
{K:860} 1/30/2006
Very nice. Looks like "old times" postcard (except for the cars, of course).
Robert Kocs
{K:89085} 1/29/2006
Thank you my dear friend! I appreciate it! :)
My best wishes dear Nando! Robert
Mireille Heirendt
{K:7258} 1/29/2006
Hi Robert, Great/hard winter atmosphere/reality proving that life must go on even under these extreme weather conditions! Excellent work!!! Thanks for all your nice comments again! Regards, Mireille
Nando Mondino
{K:14261} 1/29/2006
Excellent image and tones my friend. Ciao,Nando.
Robert Kocs
{K:89085} 1/29/2006
Dear Ivan thank you so much for your nice comment! :)
Cheers! Robert
ivan ivanovic-hagen
{K:404} 1/29/2006
nice, winter ambient and tonning
regards, I.
Robert Kocs
{K:89085} 1/29/2006
Thank you for your encouraging words my dear Marian! I always appreciate it! I'm glad you like it! :)
My best wishes! Robert
Robert Kocs
{K:89085} 1/29/2006
Thank you so much for your great comment dear Wael! I'm glad you like it! :)
My best wishes! Robert
Robert Kocs
{K:89085} 1/29/2006
Thank you so much for your kind words! I really appreciate it dear Nermeen! :)
My best wishes! Robert
Marian Man
{K:80636} 1/29/2006
for only one day Athens looked like this dear Robert :) excellent street shot with wonderful tones!!!!!! very well done!!! bravo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my best regards Marian
{K:7476} 1/29/2006
You made me feel we are in 1940 or somthing, very well done robert. wael
Nermeen Edrees
{K:1254} 1/29/2006
very nice street shot...the tones are super nice...great angle and composition...well done dear :)
Robert Kocs
{K:89085} 1/29/2006
Dear Susie, I'm very glad you like it and thank you for your kind words & great attention! I really appreciate it! :)
My best wishes! Robert
Robert Kocs
{K:89085} 1/29/2006
Thank you so much for your kindly words! :)
My best wishes dear Mundh! Robert
Robert Kocs
{K:89085} 1/29/2006
Thank you for your visit and great works dear Kathy! I really appreciate it! :)
My best wishes! Robert
Robert Kocs
{K:89085} 1/29/2006
Thanks for your great comment dear Tracey. I really appreciate it! Yes, weather is very unique, in our country was -15C-22Celsius, what rarity event.
My best wishes! Robert
Susie OConnor
{K:34798} 1/29/2006
Oh I think I will love this new series Robert. This is different for you...I'm looking forward to your next posts. I love street photography with little slices of life. Susie
{K:3974} 1/29/2006
very nice shot . nice tone too. very dramatic shot ..+7
Kathy Hillard
{K:25721} 1/29/2006
Nice tones, Robert! Good example of street photography! You have a great weekend, too! Kathy
Tracey Main
{K:7290} 1/28/2006
great street shot Robert and what a wonderful old builing in the background, it looks cold there, I would gladly swap you places as its been 44c and so humid here the past 2 weeks, it makes me feel cooler looking at this, a good capture regards Tracey...
Robert Kocs
{K:89085} 1/28/2006
Szia Bálint, köszönöm szépen a kedves szavaidat és a látogatást! :)
Szép estét! Robi
Jánosi Bálint
{K:2818} 1/28/2006
Szervusz Robi! Remek utcaportré. :) Jó a sepia tónus, mert így minden részletet meg lehet figyelni, hisz nem vonja el a tekintetet semmi. Gratulálok! Már várom a következőt!:) Szép estét! Bálint
Robert Kocs
{K:89085} 1/28/2006
Wow! Thank you for your great comment dear friend! I always gladly read your kindly thoughts. I'm glad you like it and really appreciate it! :)
My best wishes dear Ina! Robert
Ina Nicolae
{K:44481} 1/28/2006
Wow! This is a fantastic image, Robert! And a departure from your abstracts, but I think this is the beginning of a very exciting series, showing your multiple talents! I love the vintage look in sepia tones, if I didn't know it was recent, it could be an old picture from the 60's or 70's! Absolutely beautiful realist atmosphere with the people going about their daily business and the misery and hardship of winter - it is extraordinary how you captured this! I love the diagonal line of the road covered with dirty snow, and the beautiful architecture in the background. The dark car in the R/H corner balances the composition perfectly. 7+++ A favorite :) Best regards and looking forward to more in this new and exciting series! Ina
Robert Kocs
{K:89085} 1/28/2006
Dear Nigel, really glad you like it. Thank you for your wonderful words. I appreciate it! :)
My best wishes! Robert
Robert Kocs
{K:89085} 1/28/2006
Thank you for your nice comment dear Kanwarpreet! :)
My best wishes! Robert
Robert Kocs
{K:89085} 1/28/2006
Thank so much for your kindly words dear friend! I really appreciate it! :)
My best wishes dear Jeanette! Robert
Nigel Watts.
{K:5236} 1/28/2006
Wonderful, nice change in subject of photograph. I saw some amazing photographs being sold when I was in the main streets of budapest, this photograph reminds me. Like the street lamps on the left Great photograph Nigel
Kanwarpreet Singh
{K:1868} 1/28/2006
Awesome resolution boss! Great capture! Nice tone & mood.
Regards. kp
Jeanette Hägglund
{K:59855} 1/28/2006
Oh - such a terrible situation. Snow and still having snow on the roads means problem. This rown warm tone make the shot look so vintage.... nice mood!
Robert Kocs
{K:89085} 1/28/2006
Thank you so much dear Ann for your attention & kindly words! I really appreciate it! I'm glad you like it! :)
My best wishes! Robert
Robert Kocs
{K:89085} 1/28/2006
Thank you for your wonderful words my dear friend. I'm very glad you like it. Greatly appreciated! :)
My best wishes dear Ray! Robert
Robert Kocs
{K:89085} 1/28/2006
Thank you dear friend for your visit & kind words! :)
My best wishes Paolo! Robert
Ann Nida
{K:45248} 1/28/2006
Brrrrr this not only looks cold but also windy. All the people look like they are cowering down from the wind. Such a chilly scene but the sepia tone works well to give it a bit of warmth but still keep the bleak freeze mood to it. Lovely details throughout Robert. Very nice composition. A "COOL" shot. :)
Thank you for your lovely comment on my Death Valley image Robert.
Cheers - Ann :)
Robert Kocs
{K:89085} 1/28/2006
Thank you so much dear friend for your visit & great comment. I really appreciate it! :)
My best wishes dear Rashed! Robert
Robert Kocs
{K:89085} 1/28/2006
Thank you so much for your nice comment dear Tutku! :) I appreciate it!
My best wishes! Robert
stingRay pt.4 .
{K:250401} 1/28/2006
Oh WOW Robert...that does look cold there. This is a great street composition my dear friend and typifies the very essence of Winter. The sepia tones match the mood perfectly making it appear a little warmer than it really is I fancy and the detail throughout is stunning. Well done to you Robert my friend, I look forward to more in this series..Best wishes, take care of you and wrap up warmly....Ray
Paolo Corradini
{K:59552} 1/28/2006
wow caotic view here! It's better to stay at home :) well captured! greetings PAOLO
Rashed Abdulla
{K:163889} 1/28/2006
what a great composition and wonderful details and tone here ,iam sorry my friend being and still away from home and the mobile internet connections is so slow and boring ,you are always very skilled with you photography which i do enjoy and respect , all of hte best my friend ..
whoiswho t
{K:10700} 1/28/2006
beautiful cityscape in the snow clothes :) loved it Robert.
my best wishes,
Robert Kocs
{K:89085} 1/28/2006
Thank you so much for your kind comment dear Ayşe! :)
My best wishes! Robert
Robert Kocs
{K:89085} 1/28/2006
Dear Emgy, thank you for your support and kindly words! I really appreciate it! :)
My best wishes! Robert
Ayşe Sanem Çolak
{K:4516} 1/28/2006
nice snowy cityscape with sepia tones. almost same view here :)
Emgy Massidda
{K:60358} 1/28/2006
Quite a different type of photo, compared to your previous series, still the same lovely sepia tones. I think that they really add to the mood here. Beautiful and simple moment out of the dayly routines that goes on in all kinds of weather. Well done!!!
Robert Kocs
{K:89085} 1/28/2006
Robert Kocs
{K:89085} 1/28/2006
Haha... I hate cold temperature too! Thank you for your visit and comment dear friend! :) I appreciate it!
My best wishes dear Riny! Robert
Robert Kocs
{K:89085} 1/28/2006
Dear friend, I'm glad you like it. Thank you so much for your kindly thoughts and interest. Highly appreciated! :)
My best wishes dear Mohamed! Robert
Robert Kocs
{K:89085} 1/28/2006
Thank you for your visit & kindly word. It's a snowy view from my city Budapest. Greatly appreciated!
My best wishes dear Gabriela! Robert
Robert Kocs
{K:89085} 1/28/2006
Thank you for your kindly words & attention dear friend! I really appreciate it! :)
My best wishes dear Galal! Robert
Riny Koopman
{K:102911} 1/28/2006
Brrrrrrrrr you captured the feeling of cold of a winters day, Wonderful,
Auf wiedersehen. Riny
Riny Koopman
{K:102911} 1/28/2006
Brrrrrrrrr you captured the feeling of cold of a winters day, Wonderful,
Auf wiedersehen. Riny.
Mohamed Banna
{K:34237} 1/28/2006
i love here the tones you choose gives some sort od warm feeling in front of all this snow
a very nice street shot perfect angle and composition well done dear Robert
Gabriela Tanaka
{K:16594} 1/28/2006
Good capture, dear Robert! It reminds me how Bucharest used to look under snow. A good choice of sepia treatment, it warms a bit the general atmosphere. Gabriela
Robert Kocs
{K:89085} 1/28/2006
Kedves Ágoston, köszönöm a látogatást és kedves szavakat! :)
Kellemes hétvégét, szia! Robi
Galal El Missary
{K:84569} 1/28/2006
Nice street shot , great angle & Tones , Best regards Dear Robert .
Ágoston Kósa
{K:51} 1/28/2006
Elég keveset voltam BP-en, de ez a fénykép nagyon jellemző. Szép kompozíció, igazi arhívfotó.