Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 3/13/2006
Hi Herman, thanks for the feedback. I do agree with you; the original does allow space for the reflection... See the attached image.
Seattle Skyline |
Herman Pieters
{K:508} 3/11/2006
very nice, would have liked to see more reflection at the bottom... cheers
Andrej V
{K:6693} 2/5/2006
With night shots I rather prefere semi dark sky; The complete darknes in the sky somehow thakes away the depth and drama; I have no complains about the composition! Andrej
Miguel Torres
{K:3998} 2/4/2006
Hello Mr. Hugo!!!, it been a while since i dont see your images, i love night photography and this one is exceptional!!; sooo sharp and neat, great balance and tones
I wanna go there to take some images and visit my exgirlfriend ;-)
Miguel Torres
Eb Mueller
{K:24960} 1/30/2006
Amazing night-time detail, a supporting cast of thousands and starring the Space Needle.
Ace Star
{K:21040} 1/30/2006
what can i say ... almost perfect! a night life of seattle :) grt view wonderful capture Hugo! a Million point pic
wish you good luck
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 1/29/2006
Thanks, Mohamed, much appreciated!
Mohamed Banna
{K:34237} 1/27/2006
WOWWWWWWWWW this is the perfection of a night shot great perfect DOF and lighting amazing well balanced composition WELL DONE
Don Loseke
{K:32503} 1/26/2006
Very nice night capture of a great city. Don.
Ann Nida
{K:45248} 1/25/2006
Sure Hugo ....anything to help out. You will of course send me your camera gear cause my little dSLR Rebel just wouldn't do it justice. I'll even fly over it and do a few aerial shots for you. :)
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 1/25/2006
You know what would really help? If you rented that boat and took the shot for me...:)
Ann Nida
{K:45248} 1/25/2006
Thank you Hugo for your kind words. I see you have a pretty hectic weekend schedule over the next few weekends. Can I help by perhaps carrying your bags or better still your tripod? :)
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 1/25/2006
Hi Again, Ann, please rephrase the first sentence in my previous reply ( Ann, surely you are qualified to discuss everything and pass judgement...:)) in:
Ann, you are definitely qualified to discuss everything and pass judgement...:)
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 1/25/2006
Hi Ann, surely you are qualified to discuss everything and pass judgement...:) I'll go over your points one by one.
First, the original photo has considerably more water undereath it, but I agree, for the composition as pano, there was no other option.
Second, thanks, a small oversight on my part, didn't realise that in my reply to Rashed. I owe him an apology, I guess.
Third, I wish I could've done that, Ann, Including the base of the needle would've been awesome. My only frustration is, that I already went over there to do a reshoot on Mt. Rainier last week, and after James Closts' comment on my Hong Kong shots, I've planned to reshoot that next weekend...:)
PS: Thanks for your ever so constructive feedbacks! Very useful!
Petal Wijnen
{K:50989} 1/25/2006
Fantastic night shot!! Gorgeous colors, fabulous clarity, great view and reflections... well captured!! I do like night shots but found it's a 'game of trail and error' as far as the exposure goes... you've nailed this one though!!
jude .
{K:14625} 1/25/2006
Another great shot of this ubiquitous landmark, Hugo...a classic viewpoint beautifully captured. Love it, my friend.
Thilo Bayer
{K:50358} 1/25/2006
Hi Hugo,
I really like the wide screen format - this is the big picture =) You show a great control over the highlights here... maybe some more reflection parts in the water would even more increase the night feeling.
best wishes, Thilo
Mattia L.
{K:7625} 1/25/2006
Excellent night shot, beautiful skyline. COngratulations!
Asher Khan
{K:1459} 1/25/2006
Excellent night shot Hugo. I think I like this one the best and the reason is the feeling that elements of night have added in it. Reflections in water, sky line madeup of lights, excellently placed needle in the composition. Great shot.
Ann Nida
{K:45248} 1/25/2006
Hi Hugo,
Just reading through the comments already left by others. I'm not qualified to pass any judgement here as I haven't delved into night photography but I will say a couple of things anyway.
Firstly I doubt you could have put more water into the image as someone suggested cause then it would have cramped the top of the Space Needle and you have jsut the right amount of pace there now.
Secondly Rashed, like myself, is not a donor so can't view the full size so can't see this image as it was meant to be viewed.
As for my 3rd point I really think you should have rented a boat to take you to the left or right of the tall building to get the shot with more of the base of the Needle (as Randy noted)....either that or donned diving gear and gone swimming to get a "sweeter" composition. Well hey...you're coming back for the weekend - right? ....so you can grab a few more shots then. :)
A fantstic night scene Hugo. Just like a postcard shot. Excellent control over the lighting. Wonderful image.
Cheers - Ann :)
Ursula Luschnig
{K:21723} 1/25/2006
I remember a Hongkong view at night...your night shots are fantastic Hugo!Looks like a panorama.30 seconds....wow! Cheers,Ursula
Joggie van Staden
{K:41700} 1/24/2006
Great night shot - perfect exposure and lovely composition with the tower structure dominating the scene. Joggie
Stephen Bowden
{K:64141} 1/24/2006
Thanks Hugo - just browsing online now. I will be staying at Tukwila over the weekend so should have plenty of time to travel into town and browse :-)
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 1/24/2006
Ha Rob, goed om weer van je te horen. Wat betreft het Blauwe uur heb je gelijk, maar dan was het ook wel een stuk donkerder geweest in de stad... De meeste lichten zouden dan uit zijn. Bovendien waren we die middag aangekomen, en was ik blij dat ik toen in bed lag...:)
Rob Ernsting
{K:8899} 1/24/2006
Hugo ik vind het een mooie foto met leuke weerspiegelingen. Maar je had hem in het blauwe uur moeten kunnen maken, dan had je een mooiere lucht gekregen. Groeten, Rob.
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 1/24/2006
Emgy! What a very pleasant surprise to hear from you...:) Thanks for your comment. Hope you are well, and we'll be treated with some more of your photos..:)
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 1/24/2006
Hi Steve, Sorry I missed you in the chat. Thanks for your comments, much appreciated.
Yes, there are one or two very good camera shops in Seattle. As a matter of fact, it's close to the needle, and probably just to the right of it in this shot...:) Its called Glazers' and they have just about everything...:) You can really go on a shopping spree there!
Stephen Bowden
{K:64141} 1/24/2006
Fabulous skyline Hugo and very apt for the moment as I hope to be there in 3 weeks time !
I wonder if you found any camera shops while you were in Seattle - I'm hoping to get a few early birthday presents lol
Best wishes, Steve
Kam Broumand
{K:-82} 1/24/2006
Hi Hugo,
Fantastic night shot! You have really captured the Seattle skyline well in this shot. What I find eye catching about this shot is the difference between the brightness and contrast of the needle and the building to its bottom left and the reaming buildings in this shot. The manner in which it’s brighter than most buildings really catches the eye.
Well done mate!
Best Regards
Emgy Massidda
{K:60358} 1/24/2006
Like a gracious alien creature dancing in the night above the city lights. It makes me want to join in the dance. I agree with Randy L...it's alive. That was also the impression I got at first site. I've seen many pic of this amazing architectural work... Nothing as impressive as this one, Hugo. Congratulations!!!!
Riny Koopman
{K:102911} 1/24/2006
Hugo I like the shot. It's a picture perfect place and a perfect night photo. Well composed frame, precise exposure and variety of colors gives nice harmonious feel of the scene. Greetingz Riny.
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 1/24/2006
Hi Ina, you give me way too much credits... Cameras can do so much Planning, these days...:) Thanks for your comment:)
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 1/24/2006
Hi Rashed, thanks for your feedback. Have you opened the full size image? I think you'll find it's neither out of focus, neither over sharpened. The small image is automatically resized by UF, which reduces the image quality.
Cheers, and have fun over the next 10 days!
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 1/24/2006
Hi Randy, thanks for your elaborate description and feedback. Yep, I agree with your comment on the base of the needle. Maybe I could've chosen a different POV, can't really remember. There'll probably be another view point in that area, I guess. (we had flown in the same day...;)
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 1/24/2006
Hi Gayle, thanks for your feedback. The murky-Hazy feel was, if I remember correctly, actually there. The night over the water was rather clear, but there seemed to be a slight fog over the city, illuminated by the lights. I never thought about darkening it, but that's something I'll definitely keep in mind the next time. Go Seahawks. I know a few people who will be ecstatic about that...:) Had the chanse to see the Fan-appreciation game of the Mariners... Good fun, too!
karen clarke
{K:18893} 1/24/2006
Seattle is such a beautiful city, and you seem to have captured its magic. Nice work~
Paolo Corradini
{K:59552} 1/23/2006
wow great night view i like Seattle :) an thank for sharing in about.
best regards
Ina Nicolae
{K:44481} 1/23/2006
Very exciting night panorama, Hugo! I'm not a night photography person, very seldom did any, but I admire those who do. It takes a lot more knowledge and planning, plus almost inevitably a tripod! I think you did a super job here, it looks even better in the large version! The tower really stands out and gives the emblematic Seattle look. I like very much the reflections and the very natural handling of the building colors. The tele-zoom works well - there is no edge distortion (something new to learn everyday!). Very challenging shot, and wonderful result! Best regards, Ina
Michael Fox
{K:3180} 1/23/2006
A very photogenic skyline. Nice capture.
Paul's Photos
{K:35235} 1/23/2006
nice capture.. this scene looks a bit challenging to capture because of how bright the tower is as compared to the rest of the city... great work, love the reflection.
Saeed Al Shamsi
{K:47735} 1/23/2006
If not what already Gayle mentions about the sky, its great balanced night image. Looking forward to see the others reversed order. Saeed
Paul Lara
{K:88111} 1/23/2006
What a great shot, Hugo!
Rashed Abdulla
{K:163889} 1/23/2006
Oh my friend Hugo , if not for the tower on the background which is also not sharp ,everything else seems distractive and with no Definitions at all. Spots of light showing no real details of the buildings around you have also over sharpen the image which created very unsympathetic feel in this image . Other wise I always admire night captures .All of the best my friend
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 1/23/2006
ohhh.. hugo your long view from the night.. AT NIGHT AT THE OPERA... have created a prticular impressive dark night-shot! i very well exposed and realized for a dinamic play in the city-light! really i like it.. have a nice week.. roby 7
Jeanette Hägglund
{K:59855} 1/23/2006
Fantastic cityview during night with nice light colours and that tower really amaze me, it has a surreal look.
Randy Lorance
{K:24769} 1/23/2006
It's alive! That was my first impression when opening the panoramic view. Just as thumbnails don't do justice to large image, the large image doesn't nearly do justice to this impressive capture of this city on the water(and often sprinkled by water). The difference between the two image sizes remarkable(a reminder viewers to hit F11 key for even view). Thanks to UF for this great added feature. Really like the starburst lights effect. The sky not being totally black emphasizes the the powerful glow cast out from the thousands of lights. If I would say anything, it would be to wish that the entire base of the 'Needle' were not obscured by the tall building(I realize this could not be helped as that would put you quite some distance from your location) and that a bit more water was included at bottom. Stunning shot.
So Cal Photograhper
{K:18529} 1/23/2006
Excellent night photo. Great cityscape at night. Great lighting of the space needle.
Dave Stacey
{K:150877} 1/23/2006
Very nicely exposed night shot, Hugo! The pano looks great! Dave.
Gayle's Eclectic Photos
{K:91109} 1/23/2006
hi, very good exposure for the night lights and building details...my only pref would be for the indigo sky to be darker as i see it as murky-hazy on my monitor...beautiful reflections... regards,gayle (our Seahawks football team won today and are off to the Superbowl for the first time ever!!!!!!)
Jason Mckeown
{K:22200} 1/23/2006
great capture of this city and its famous landmark Hugo, colours are great
{K:11030} 1/23/2006
Wowh! It's a fantastic night photo! Great details and excellent contrast. The best of the three, me too. It's very well done, compliments. Simona;)
神 風
{K:10665} 1/23/2006
By far the best of three imho, but perhaps because I am greatly attracted to it's nocturnal quality ...