John Loreaux
{K:86210} 2/6/2006
Another real good action shot Ron!What I notice here is Eddie the eagle concentrating on the puck and Ken Klees stick with a big bend in it!Also the look on Mark Recchi's face!Super job on these Ron! Go FLYERS!!!! My best.................John
Mary Brown
{K:71879} 1/31/2006
Superb action shot. With the speed of these guys on the ice, a shot like this would not be easy at all. This is great. Unfortunately, the game I watched tonight was not great. My Senators got clobbered. Mary
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 1/25/2006
Hi Ron, Yeah, hocky is a fast game, but not as fat as playing it on ice... Goodshot, Love the way the stick bends under pressure of the puck. Good composition. Digital photography sure fascilitates these shots. Good postprocessing.
I think playing with the raw files in any raw import tool will tell you which colour temperature there was, and if you'd set your camera to that value, it'll save you time on the postprocessing next chance you have to go to a match. Just a thought.
Martin .
{K:24957} 1/23/2006
After all that said, I'm a big dumb ass! LOL
I didn't read what you wrote about the WB, dah. Thats a no brainer. Forget what I just wrote and switch to AWB, or clouds... See all the clouds and shaddows... It underexposed it because it was set on sunlight... AHHHHH!
Sorry for not catching that sooner,
Martin .
{K:24957} 1/23/2006
Ok, I think I got it now. If you look at the sky it is much brighter than the snow and since this is the original shot the sky could have been blown out if the meter would not have taken this in to concideration.
On page 71 of my instruction manual it explains manualy setting your metering mode. You have 3 choices. (not sure what page regarding the Rebel)
1.) Evaluative Metering 2.) Partial Metering 3.) Centerweighted Average Metering
I belive after viewing your photograph you might have had the setting on Partial Metering, which is used when the background is brighter the the forground. Or it was set on the Centerwieghted Average Metering, which is my strong suspicion. And that will meter the average of the whole frame.
I almost use Evaluative Metering all the time, but that doesn't make it right by any means. It's just what I use.
I think that our cameras are damn close regarding this matter... Yep, I just checked the Rebels specs and you have the very same options on this one... Keep up the great work...
Ron Wilson
{K:18362} 1/23/2006
That is the original version. Shot with the WB on Sunlight setting. After PS the shot is much lighter and brighter.
Jeff Cartwright
{K:52046} 1/23/2006
Well!...Ron!....Tgis is Surely...as Good as it Gets.....Very Professional....7/7!!! ...Never expect the Camera...to always...Correctly...Configure the Colour....!!! Best Regards: Jeff. Thank you, Ron!...for your Visits...and Commments!...By the Way...I Think Zoo's...are Not in the Best Interests...of the Animals...!!!
Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia
{K:96391} 1/23/2006
Perfect. I love Hockey. Win Greztky. 7
Martin .
{K:24957} 1/22/2006
Once again I need more info. Is this the origanal, or the PS version? What were your camera settings?
If this is the original you used a tungsten, or AWB setting with a sun light required application. Some applications require manual settings...
Sunlight, with a tungsten setting creates a blue hue, and Tungsten light with a sunlight setting creates a yellow hue...
When I want to get balls dead accurate, I use my Sekonic L-358... You can easily add +2 to your meter, as it will over expose it by 2 stops?
Not really sure what you want without the proper info???
L B.
{K:13965} 1/22/2006
Love this shot. excellent composition here. This kind of photo's needs an excellent timing. Wonderfully done here, my compliments!
cheers, Lex.
Ron Wilson
{K:18362} 1/22/2006
I guess the exposure readings are thrown off by all the light from the snow and the camera underexposes. Easily fixed in PS but I was just trying to figure out an adjustment on the camera.

Martin .
{K:24957} 1/22/2006
If I had more info, I might be able to figure out what the problem was. But this is Texas and I have never shot snow with my digital. We are lucky to get 1 snow fall per year. It's been in the 70's and 80 here...
Ron Wilson
{K:18362} 1/22/2006
Thanks Martin. What WB settings do I use in snowy winter park settings? I had trouble shooting with all that bright snow.
Martin .
{K:24957} 1/22/2006
Once again you amaze me with this Awesome capture my friend. The reason you had a yellow hue is because the auto WB doesn't work very well with tungsten light.
Use the manual settings when shooting with any light source, except sunlight... Don't sell yourself short, because the Pro's shoot 100X the frames you do and then they turn them into the editor to fix!