jacques brisebois
{K:73883} 1/29/2006
So glad you like it Diego. You're always welcome my friend Big hug
jacques brisebois
{K:73883} 1/29/2006
thanks a lot Danny
jacques brisebois
{K:73883} 1/29/2006
thanks again Ann to take your time to let me know what you think about my pics. It's really appreciated.
Ann Nida
{K:45248} 1/25/2006
That looks like quite a thick layer of snow there. i don't think I'll consider that one for a holiday home even if it is waterfront. :) Looks a bit chilly to me. I like the way you've composed this one to have the water carry the eyes further into the image to the old house. A very nice scene Jacques.
Cheers - Ann :)
Danny Brannigan
{K:19523} 1/23/2006
Good conversion to mono.
Diego Latt
{K:6884} 1/23/2006
Another excellent pic mon ami... I like the textures and tones. I'll see your pictures with calm :)... you are great Jacques. Hug. Diego
jacques brisebois
{K:73883} 1/22/2006
thanks again Vanessa
vanessa shakesheff
{K:68840} 1/22/2006
Beautiful ..looks so cold .love it ,best wishes nessa
jacques brisebois
{K:73883} 1/22/2006
un gros merci Jose, j'apprécie beaucoup tes encouragements.
jacques brisebois
{K:73883} 1/22/2006
thanks a lot Rashed, really appreciate your visit and comment.
jacques brisebois
{K:73883} 1/22/2006
thanks a lot Dave, as always, I appreciate your visit and comment.
Dave Stacey
{K:150877} 1/21/2006
Very nice b/w of this winter stream, Jacques! A unique spot for the building,as you say, must be something connected with the water. Good tones here, too. I like your composition, with the water taking up most of the foreground. Dave.
Rashed Abdulla
{K:163889} 1/21/2006
beautiful image ,great composition ,wonderful details and contrast here , all of the best my friend .
Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia
{K:96391} 1/21/2006
fantastique. tres belle scene. 7