Sue O'S
{K:12878} 1/21/2003
Ooops - to clarify. Neither flamingo is cropped or levels adjusted in PS. I merely turned the camera and move closer to better fill the frame.
Sue O'S
{K:12878} 1/21/2003
Hey, Aaron, if this is you, who took the picture?!?! :-)
I think that by going vertical, you could have gotten closer, and by going closer, you could have gotten more light. I'm guessing that's what Lisa meant when she suggests "cropping in closer".
I've attached an image I used to teach my neice the benefits of going with a vertical format, i.e. getting closer to the subject and bouncing more light. (All right, I didn't say they were GOOD images - LOL.)

Lisa Howeler
{K:3706} 1/21/2003
This comment should have been from me, not Ed Boardman...whoops! This computer was logged on in his name. Don't blame Ed for anything
i don't think think this was placed here for ratings, but advice. That is what this site is supposed to be aboutng
Ed Boardman
{K:53} 1/21/2003
i don't think think this was placed here for ratings, but advice. That is what this site is supposed to be about.
Ed Boardman
{K:53} 1/21/2003
i don't think think this was placed here for ratings, but advice. That is what this site is supposed to be about.
Lisa Howeler
{K:3706} 1/21/2003
Getting closer might have helped if your flash is not that strong. Otherwise a stronger flash would have been better. Cropping in closer can sometimes help the lighting,because the flash doesn't have as far to hit on the subject, I have found. however, I am not a professional. Hopefully someone else can offer advice as well.