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Looking for the theater soul
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Image Title:  Looking for the theater soul
Favorites: 1 
 By: Giuliano Guarnieri  
  Copyright ©2006

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Photographer Giuliano Guarnieri  Giuliano Guarnieri {Karma:36622}
Project #43 Unusual Vision Camera Model ShenHao HZX45A-II
Categories At Work
Film Format
Portfolio Compagnia Aurora 2006
Lens SK Super Angulon 90mm f8
Uploaded 1/13/2006 Film / Memory Type Polaroid T55
    ISO / Film Speed
Views 1209 Shutter > 5 minutes
Favorites Aperture f/32
Critiques 13 Rating
/ 4 Ratings
Location City -  Villafranca di Verona
State -  VENETO
Country - Italy   Italy
About In taking these photo to understand where the soul of "Compagnia Aurora" lies. Maybe here? I feel vibrations but...

Tech Specs
T55 sheet 4x5"
exposed at 25 asa and developed 1 minute
Exposure 4min f32 1/2 ---> 10 min f32 1/2
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There are 13 Comments in 1 Pages
Michael Salomon   {K:-285} 12/6/2006
I like this alot - altogether a great gallery of images!


Giovanni Sinico   {K:325} 1/30/2006
Un altro caPola_voro!



Bryan Miller   {K:3395} 1/17/2006



Giuliano Guarnieri Giuliano Guarnieri   {K:36622} 1/17/2006
Hello Hugo,
both the two images are coming from the same photo film.
T55 is a positive/negative sheet film (see images below). I liked too much the top left side of the movie camera but the 2:1 ratio image is more "movie" oriented and give the possibility to see a more detailed image on the screen (1200px x 600px is far better!!).

Regarding the "movements" I use a folding that has many possibility to shift and tilt the lens plate or the film back. Generally the "normal" camera has the film plane parallel with the len. This means that you focus on a plane that is parallel to the film plane (far or close but always parallel)
The focus plane changes if you tilt the lens (Scheimplflug rule). The new focus plane is the one passing from the intersection point of the film plane and the lens plate. This is really cool if for example you want to have the perfect focus on the ground or a roof or... you just want the focus on the eyes of the model and nothing more... (see ... thanks to Paola LL :) )

In the last pictures (i.e. ) there're some "tutorial images" that show the camera setting (digital camera is great for these fast shot ;) ).

Hope this can help :)
This evening I'll post the last of the series "Lost in...." with some other "tutorial" shots .



P.S. other shots with Scheimpflug rule applied strongly ....


Genuine Polaroid T55 positive/negative

Hugo de Wolf Hugo de Wolf   {K:185110} 1/16/2006
Hi Giuliano, I really like what you've done here. The framing and tone of the image is excellent. Just out of curiosity, is it the same print as the (2:1) version, or did you all create this using your enlarger? I believe so... The print is awesome, though. The details in your two enlagements are extremely strong and detailed. Very, very impressive!

As to the atmosphere, I think it's the wires and fusebox that remove part of the feel, perhaps (not really sure). On the other hand, it places the image in a certain 50's timeframe.

A pitty I can't understand most of the comments you have received. This is the stuff most of us could learn from!

I'm very impressed by this work, the effort and the meaning you have put into it. Inspiring, and it makes me long to get my dark room equipment out again....

One question: what do you mean by "I used a lot of movement on the folding expecially a lateral tilt to have the focus on the plane in line with the moviecamera and the stage"?




Morc Piantedos Morc Piantedos   {K:21834} 1/16/2006
..qui l'occhio non si ferma mai...tante cose da osservare..racconti dentro racconti....rendi molto bene queste atmosfere decadenti del teatro semiabbandonato con quei fantasmi che si muovono eterei nel piccolo schermo...quel vecchio foglio di istruzioni per montare la pellicola...quel po di luce sui fili aggrovigliati...
bella, GG


Dubravko Grakalic   {K:25235} 1/15/2006
your LF work are good and promising!


orwa juve orwa juve   {K:6059} 1/15/2006
cinema paradiso


Efisio Mureddu Efisio Mureddu   {K:13104} 1/13/2006
Che bella la cornice pola che hai messo in post produzione... ma ne avevi bisogno?? :))))))))))
Scherzi a parte, questa anche se non panoramica mi piace di pių, forse per la presenza del porta bobina superiore. Ottima la trovata del "film" reale che si vede dalla finestrella.
Feramente Ottima... parola di Sheimpflug!!!


ventrix drogo ventrix drogo   {K:65398} 1/13/2006
Stupenda, da vedere a piccole dosi, ogni particolare e' molto definito. Tante immagini in una grande immagine, molto intrigante anche la cornice, so che non ti piacciono le cormici, ma questa e' veramente singolare, fatta in casa.

Molto bella.


enrico (ventrix)


B B B B   {K:30983} 1/13/2006
Fantastica, sembra tratta da un film di quelli francesi, in cui l'anima spesso č nera e pesante!!!
Ottima, non la immaginavo cosė. Sono entustiasta di questa tua serie.
Bravo bravo bravo.

Paola LL


Giuliano Guarnieri Giuliano Guarnieri   {K:36622} 1/13/2006
This is the stage,... and something other (the soul? could be !)


stage focus

Giuliano Guarnieri Giuliano Guarnieri   {K:36622} 1/13/2006
I used a lot of movement on the folding expecially a lateral tilt to have the focus on the plane in line with the moviecamera and the stage (see stair and people).
Click here to enlarge and see what I mean (and the excellent T55 film resolving power!)


Thanks Polaroid! Thanks Sheimpflug!!



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