Frank Hettick
{K:119} 1/16/2003
Sorry Again - Vance! The star-field (sky) is high-contrast lots-n-lots of dots at different diameters and with slight color changes - mostly shades of blue (done in Corel PhotoPaint)! The blue-haze portion of the sky is part of the original Mt. Shasta shot with a graduated transparency applied (to move from original blue-haze to a totally transparent area allowing us to see the black sky with stars) again with Corel! Texture mapping is in Bryce, Terragen, and Pov! Sorry - have never heard of Vulcan?
Vance Lester
{K:339} 1/16/2003
My bad, As an amateur astronomer, I must say bang on job with the detail! I assume the sky was done at the same time as jupiter? What are you using for texture mapping? Vulcan?
Frank Hettick
{K:119} 1/16/2003
Sorry Vance - My "shots" of Jupiter are NOT from nasa - but are hand-painted 'texture' maps digitally 'wrapped' around spheres in the computer. Same thing for the small moon! The terrain-landscape is a digital photo I took with my Olympus E10 near Mt. Shasta in northern Calif. I then digitally-warped the landscape shot (kinda like tipping the printing-paper at an angle under the enlarger-head during exposure) to achieve the effect I was striving for!
Vance Lester
{K:339} 1/16/2003
Done by you? You mean taking the shots of Jupiter from the Nasa website? :)
Kirk Teetzel
{K:427} 1/16/2003
Wow! That E10 must have quite the zoom lens ;)
Frank Hettick
{K:119} 1/15/2003
Hi William Borch
Not sure what you mean - every part of this photo has been done by me personally! What do you mean by "original shots"?
william l. borch(jr.)
{K:315} 1/15/2003
pretty cool stuff! Are the oringinal shots your's
Deleted User
{K:4598} 1/15/2003
I like the exposure on this better than the prior one. Deftly done PS work.