I dragged my 10 year old son out in a snowstorm to take pictures in Washington, about 2 miles down the road on the way to the Lincoln Memorial, his body language says it all: I can not go much further, Mom!
I like this shot. I agree perhaps a bit more detail on your son. The person on the left is distracting. I like the perspective and yes your son's body language. :)
Petra, this is one of my favorites of yours. The detail thing is tricky without looking artificial or like you used a fill-flash. You just can't do it and maintain the mood your going for. In this case, a little more detail wouldn't really do anything more for the photo, IMO. We already know it's a little boy, more detail wouldn't help. The dark reflects your title nicely, and with three kids, I know what you're talking about! A small thing, but I really like the person on the path in the far distance. Really adds some great depth. On the flip-side, I don't really care for the person off to the left - he's distracting. Clone that guy out, I'd say. Wonderful either way! Jim