A Picture tends to tell a story... (http://www.seussville.com/grinch/)
Which U No Who intends...
Allow your heart to grow many sizes at this time of year, just as the Grinch did!
There is much discussion in AmeriKa about The Holidays... "To rename a Christmas tree as a holiday tree is as offensive as renaming a Jewish Menorah a candlestick". The former not having any religious meaning, while the latter most certainly so.
The year past started with the recovery efforts in SE Asia from largest natural disaster in living memory i.e. Tsunami. Still today 800 bodies are un-named!
It continued from chaos in Iraq to the Asian earthquake tragedy and the devastation of the US hurricanes.
Africa suffers from starvation, civil war and AIDS.
Now I have finally a moment to thank you for your friendship and for yours words. You know that my english is poor and that I can say a lot of words more in italian. I wish you a serene Christmas and a good new year, waiting to see you again some time in Milan. Merry Christmas. Cecilia