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Evening Blue
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Image Title:  Evening Blue
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 By: Ina Nicolae  
  Copyright ©2005

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Photographer Ina Nicolae  Ina Nicolae {Karma:44481}
Project #36 Magic Light Camera Model Canon EOS 20D
Categories Nature
Film Format
Portfolio Nature
Lens Tamron 70-300mm
Uploaded 12/20/2005 Film / Memory Type CF card
    ISO / Film Speed
Views 675 Shutter 1/60
Favorites Aperture F/4.0
Critiques 42 Rating Critique Only Image
Location City -  Niagara Falls
State -  ON
Country - Canada   Canada
About Niagara Falls, Ontario. If you squint you can see the Peace Bridge in the background between Niagara Falls Canada and NY.
Hazy late afternoon, PS blue coloration.
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To Kathy and Susie

There are 42 Comments in 1 Pages
Ashley  Salyer   {K:268} 12/30/2005
Ina, this is really cool. Very crisp and provoking.


Jeanette Hägglund Jeanette Hägglund   {K:59855} 12/25/2005
Lovely mood here!



Aram Gharib Aram Gharib   {K:4656} 12/24/2005
I would complete: White-on-black and lights-in-the-back!...


Aram Gharib Aram Gharib   {K:4656} 12/24/2005
Voilà! Another "white-on-black" scenery! Beautiful and magic.


Aram Gharib Aram Gharib   {K:4656} 12/24/2005
Voilà! Another "white-on-black" scenery! Beautiful and magic.


Tony Diana Tony Diana   {K:13396} 12/22/2005
Me gusta mucho este trabajo, le felicito


Ina Nicolae Ina Nicolae   {K:44481} 12/22/2005
Thanks Mark for your superlative comment :) I have usually a several versions of every picture, including color, sepia, and B & W, and sometimes it's really confusing which one to post! I've been looking at the aperture - I state it correctly, but it's a new bug, it's either nothing or it defaults to F/ 8.0. Well, at least the 20D was added to the list just yesterday! And I don't understand why the list starts with Nikon, it makes no alphabetical sense. Maybe it's business sense :) Thanks again, you have quite a few incredible winter pictures, especially that "First Snow" favorite, not to mention the cats and still lifes!


Mark Longo Mark Longo   {K:12760} 12/22/2005
WOW Ina! One of the best winter shots anywhere! The lighting is spectacular and your use of blue was an incredible decision. The mood here is perfect late winter's afternoon! The textures in the snow are very, very beautiful. Lastly, I LOVE the frame (of course!), which adds some mystique and also beautifully elongates the horizontals in this shot, which are strong to begin with. Really a great shot Ina!

The aperture did not come out in the info table above, just so ya know.



Ina Nicolae Ina Nicolae   {K:44481} 12/21/2005
Thanks Gabriela, it never crossed my mind, but a Japanese horror movie sounds like a good candidate for a tentacular decor like this :) Love, Ina


Ina Nicolae Ina Nicolae   {K:44481} 12/21/2005
Thanks for your comment Sergio :)


Ina Nicolae Ina Nicolae   {K:44481} 12/21/2005
Thanks for visiting Anandaroop :)


Ina Nicolae Ina Nicolae   {K:44481} 12/21/2005
Thank you Adnan, I know what you mean, I'm from Romania. You have a great opportunity for the most interesting human pictures, few of us have access to. Wish you happy holidays, too :)


Ina Nicolae Ina Nicolae   {K:44481} 12/21/2005
Thanks for your comment Cernan :)


Ina Nicolae Ina Nicolae   {K:44481} 12/21/2005
Thanks again, Gustavo :) The snow also comes with cold and frozen hands :)


Gustavo Scheverin Gustavo Scheverin   {K:164501} 12/21/2005
Espectacular foto mi querida amiga!, qué buena luz y esos blancos fríos y fantasmales.
Muy bien hecho!


Cernan Catig Cernan Catig   {K:2905} 12/21/2005
wow fantastic. loved the blue cast.


Weston Dru Weston Dru   {K:3243} 12/21/2005
Dear Ina !
Image is fantactic. I relise that i actually like your stile a lot.
About your guessing of my pictures i need to say that you are right.I took that images in mental institution(that is where i work,i practice Law,Human rights etc.) only not in past but few days ago.Original images are colour, but i use AP CS and Adobe elements to better expres way how i see it and how i feel about it.(and to make it looks like from the past,the past have special place in our hearts,dont you think?)
Anyway thanks a lot for your comments and Happy Hollydays !


anandaroop ghosh anandaroop ghosh   {K:1787} 12/21/2005
Hi Ina, stunningly executed. Everything's right about this image. Great work.


Sergio M. Cameno   {K:7856} 12/21/2005
Great photo, Ina! Fantastic compositon, sharp sky, perfect details...I love it!
Best regards!


Gabriela Tanaka Gabriela Tanaka   {K:16594} 12/21/2005
I'm just waiting for the ghosts to appear! In a Japanese horror movie this would be the very background inviting the wandering souls!Of great effect!


WAEL HAMDAN WAEL HAMDAN   {K:7476} 12/21/2005
Another wonderful image ina.
Take care


Ina Nicolae Ina Nicolae   {K:44481} 12/20/2005
Thanks very much, Galal :)


Galal El Missary   {K:84569} 12/20/2005
Perfect composition , very well done Ina , Best wishes .



Kelly Duntley Kelly Duntley   {K:13889} 12/20/2005
The colors and textures of this photo is too cool. I really like this one. It is such a wonder to look at. The blue tones does so much for the feel of the picture. Another beauty.


Ina Nicolae Ina Nicolae   {K:44481} 12/20/2005
Hi Tracey, I sold one recently, but I haven't marketed anything really yet... I don't even know where to start! Thanks very much, I'm glad you like it :) I've got lots of snow and ice pictures all winter long!


Tracey Main Tracey Main   {K:7290} 12/20/2005
Oh Ina this is an amazing shot 10/10 do you sell any of your work? I love this one everything abot it is great regards Trace..


Ina Nicolae Ina Nicolae   {K:44481} 12/20/2005
Thanks so much, Mary :)


Mary Brown   {K:71879} 12/20/2005
I love the blue tones in this. It captures the feeling of a calm winter's night so well. Your composition iw very eye appealing. Wonderful shot.


Ina Nicolae Ina Nicolae   {K:44481} 12/20/2005
Thanks Kathy, I almost posted a vineyard :) and still have some barns... we seem to be in synch again :)


Ina Nicolae Ina Nicolae   {K:44481} 12/20/2005
Thanks Susie, I was thinking of you and your camera. Mine came yesterday from the repair shop and today it went back to Canon - they fixed one thing and broke another. How many clicks do you have on yours?


Ina Nicolae Ina Nicolae   {K:44481} 12/20/2005
Thanks Bob, the original is very dull and grey :)


Susie OConnor Susie OConnor   {K:34798} 12/20/2005
Oooh...this one has a feel of mystery about it. The blue is very cool. We have a Peace Arch near our place as well at the Canadian border. Gret job Ina. Very creative. Thumbs Up!


Bob Walker Bob Walker   {K:1066} 12/20/2005
This is another excellent image, Ina.
The blue casting really adds well to the nighttime theme, but I'd guess that this looks good event without it.


Best regards,


Kathy Hillard Kathy Hillard   {K:25721} 12/20/2005
Beautiful, Ina! It looks other worldly! Perfect for the blue color that you gave it...makes it look even colder! Take care!


Ina Nicolae Ina Nicolae   {K:44481} 12/20/2005
Thanks Petal :) And yes, it was cold! And the water spray from the falls kept me away, because I wanted to protect the lens...


Petal Wijnen Petal Wijnen   {K:50989} 12/20/2005
Coooooool shot, brrrrrrrr... ;-D!!! Super color/tone, great view and wonderful crisp (in more than one meaning... LOL) image, good composition... well done!!!


Ina Nicolae Ina Nicolae   {K:44481} 12/20/2005
Thank you so much Amy :) Re: the 300D - to tell you honestly, mine's had so many parts replaced under warranty and out of warranty, that I don't even think of it as a reliable back-up camera anymore. Maybe I got a lemon? Others, like Susie seem to be doing great with it. I love the Canon image quality, so I hope you will, too :)


Amy Astolfi Amy Astolfi   {K:160} 12/20/2005
Very Nice Ina...i really admire your work. I am in the process of buying a Canon Rebel 300D SLR, from a friend of mine. It is almost brand new...never been out of her home. My 17 yr old son is a very good photographer and plans to minor in it in College...he has encouraged me to purchase this and will teach me how to use it. I am very excited and hope to make some nice art with it.


Ina Nicolae Ina Nicolae   {K:44481} 12/20/2005
Thank you Hugo :)


Hugo de Wolf Hugo de Wolf   {K:185110} 12/20/2005
Hi Ina, Ow, what a great tones! it casts a gloomy spell over the scene. Outstanding lighting, and the gradient in the light works very well. The frost is almost tangible.... Great shot! Love the high details...




Ina Nicolae Ina Nicolae   {K:44481} 12/20/2005
Thank you George :)


George Black George Black   {K:102014} 12/20/2005
A wonderful image. You did just about everything right! This is a winner . . .

Best wishes,




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