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Minnesota Sunrise
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Image Title:  Minnesota Sunrise
Favorites: 10 
 By: Jim Fuglestad  
  Copyright ©2003

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Photographer  Jim Fuglestad {Karma:1564}
Project #20 The classic landscape/nature photograph Camera Model Sony 707
Categories Landscape
Film Format
Portfolio Lens  
Uploaded 1/3/2003 Film / Memory Type  
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 1291 Shutter
Favorites 10  Aperture f/0
Critiques 34 Rating Critique Only Image
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About This was taken the morning of the Leonid meteor shower in November. I was pretty disappointed because I had chosen a poor spot to view the showers. As I was already up, I decided to drive up early to a meeting in northern Minnesota. I looked to my right as I came on Lake Mile Lacs and I saw this scene. Hopped out of the car, took a few, and hopped back in. It all worked out fine in the end.
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There are 34 Comments in 1 Pages
Graciela Pierre Graciela Pierre   {K:7318} 12/11/2003
I especially like the mood and colors of this picture. The silhouettes are beautiful.


Andy Simmons Andy Simmons   {K:7704} 12/11/2003
Wonderful. Simple, colorful, moody. Excellent composition. A beautiful, powerful shot.


Joann Winborn Joann Winborn   {K:12550} 8/8/2003
Beautifully executed! Simple lines- brilliant colors. Excellent capture!


Daniel Guerin Daniel Guerin   {K:7961} 8/7/2003
Superb again! You really were in the right place at the right time! This was well spotted and makes a perfect subject for a lovely sunrise. Congrats.


Alfred Eder   {K:33} 7/8/2003
Well done Jim. Beautiful image. Excellent composition and lighting. Regards, Alfred


Giuseppe Di Pierro Giuseppe Di Pierro   {K:5911} 7/6/2003


jason m   {K:307} 5/31/2003
beautiful colors


Shai Ritblatt   {K:3755} 5/31/2003
wow... the colors and the sky !!
good job !!!


Wagner Campelo Wagner Campelo   {K:2271} 5/31/2003
Beautiful composition, colors, light and motive. Great work. CONGRATS!!!


David Tasker   {K:4281} 5/31/2003
Wish it was one I took. :-)


Mr. Arrey   {K:11516} 5/31/2003
A greet shot. Well done!


Luke Luther   {K:14693} 4/28/2003
i like the plastic bag as a reminder of how we are careless with the most precious thing we have here - our planet. it is simplicity as a contradiction that we allow garbage into our space so that we can't have a simply perfect scene.


luisa vassallo luisa vassallo   {K:28230} 4/28/2003
un vero spettacolo! Complimenti!


Osama Nofal   {K:251} 4/28/2003
realy nice like an instalation work of art
great photo


Ameet Mallapur   {K:1575} 4/28/2003
wonderful !!!


Phillip Cohen Phillip Cohen   {K:10561} 4/28/2003
Very beautiful image. The simplicity of the patterns and the overall shading from deep blue to the reflection of the sky really makes it.


X Y X Y   {K:860} 3/19/2003
Very nice composition and beautiful colors.


Jake Sieg   {K:673} 1/6/2003
as i used to live in minnesota, i am vary familiar with this lake. i used to do all sorts of fishing with my uncle on mile lacs lake. i actually think i know of this spot where you took looks as though you may have under exposed this photo just a little bit...or i may be mistaken. anyways, great photo...good composition. i give it a B+


Jeroen Wenting   {K:25317} 1/4/2003
Excellent light, good composition.
Shame about the compression artifacts and the light falloff at the bottom.


Marc Gougenheim   {K:5398} 1/3/2003
Really great ! The kind os shots that the top 100 should be made of. Fantastic light, colors and textures. Congrats !


Kim Culbert   {K:37070} 1/3/2003
lol @ John... sorry!

After reading your comment about wanting to keep the bag in, it doesn't bother me as much... but next time, bring your hipwaders and rip it off yourself! *grin*


Jim Fuglestad   {K:1564} 1/3/2003
A VERY SINCERE thanks for all your comments. I'm going back to the drawing board... Oh, I also remember another reason I didn't clone out the bag - this is one of very few shots that is right out of the camera. 99% of my shots can be made slightly better with a little processing so I didn't want to ruin this one. All I have done is resize and sharpen (apparently a bit too much :-) ). I'll repost again this weekend! Thanks again!


John Charlton   {K:5595} 1/3/2003
Thanks for pointing out the bag Kim. Thanks a lot.

I was just sitting here really enjoying this scene, but now... well... it's all about the damn bag now, isn't it?

And Jim, this photo is super great fantastic and deserves another posting with a little less sharpening next time. Great photo man.


Jacek Jedrzejczak Konrad   {K:13} 1/3/2003
O yes , but a litle bit too sharp , regards


Toni Martin   {K:5092} 1/3/2003
A 4! This image is a 10 as far as I can see. I can't tell if it is a plastic bag, and I don't really care what it is. Just adds mystery! This is one of the best finds and captures I have ever seen, and I am on 4 photo sites like most of you.


Deleted User   {K:4598} 1/3/2003
A simple and pleasing composition with nice warm colors. The only distraction to me is the oversharpening halos possibly from the upload or compression.


Anindya Maity   {K:7880} 1/3/2003
I love this simple yet effecctive composition.


Steven B. Poitinger   {K:1757} 1/3/2003
I like this a lot Jim, glad you pulled over and took the few minutes. The reflected light comes just low enough to frame the dock posts. Nicely done.


Becky V   {K:9699} 1/3/2003
Great photo (and a nice backstory too). I agree with taking out the bag. It's not a huge distraction, but I think the theme of simplicity and sparseness begs for clean, uninterrupted lines.

Are these remnants of an old dock? They look wonderful, and make for a pleasant mini-abstract inside a beautiful nature scene. Well spotted (especially for having been up all night)!

Were any filters used?


Andy Eulass   {K:13435} 1/3/2003
This one really shows off the merits of simplicity in composition. The strength of the colors by themselves could make this a compelling image, but the simple geometry in the central part of the frame really make this a fantastic piece of work.


Jim Fuglestad   {K:1564} 1/3/2003
Thanks Jay, yeah, I couldn't understand the 4 either. It would have been nice to know why....

And thanks Kim. I've been too lazy to clone out the bag. I wanted to wade out and yank it off! I'm also not super proficient at cloning out things that require a lot of detail. I'll work on it. Thanks for the push.


Kim Culbert   {K:37070} 1/3/2003
The only thing that I would change would be to clone out the plastic bag hanging off the wood... but other than that, I think this image is wonderful. Peaceful, full of bold colour and framed beautifully. (8)


Jay Dixon   {K:563} 1/3/2003
Someone gave this a 4. Does that make sense? I agree that this is a calming image. It has an odd, but nice balance to it. J.


Alex Avilov   {K:634} 1/3/2003
very nice calming picture.




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