Kathy Hillard
{K:25721} 1/6/2006
I think this is a wonderful portrait, Majahid! You may want to learn b&w photography...but you are well on your way! I love the tones that you have achieved here! Well done...and great expression! Thank you for your comment. I checked out some of your portfolio, and you have some wonderful images! Kathy
Etem Etem
{K:3551} 12/11/2005
Interseting character,good tones and excellent composition.Congrats!
{K:1703} 12/8/2005
Thanks allof you for nice comments. Andree Lerat you are right for kind help.
andree lerat
{K:17476} 12/7/2005
This is a very nice portrait. You may have overused the shadow/highlight or the smart sharpening feature. The image feel somewhat solarized.
I have tried to correct the image a little. I hope you don't mind.:)

André Bermak
{K:14443} 12/7/2005
Excelente captura e tonalidade!!!Ótimos detalhes....
abhra aich
{K:8830} 12/7/2005
very well captured portrait.Abhra.
{K:1703} 12/7/2005
I want to learn Black & White photography. Please help me.