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Image Title:  Shadow
Favorites: 1 
 By: Pablo Dylan  
  Copyright ©2008

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Photographer Pablo Dylan  Pablo Dylan {Karma:63918}
Project #40 Street Photography Camera Model Nikon F80 / N80
Categories Street
Film Format Film 35mm
Portfolio Lens Nikon  28-100mm f/3.5-5.6G AF
Uploaded 10/17/2008 Film / Memory Type Ilford  Fp-4 plus
    ISO / Film Speed
Views 525 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 37 Rating Critique Only Image
Location City - 
State - 
Country - Italy   Italy
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There are 37 Comments in 1 Pages
Grzegorz Markowski Grzegorz Markowski   {K:6537} 2/1/2009
I like it :)


Paolo Barthelemy   {K:25552} 1/26/2009
Molto ben visto e presentato! Gradevolissima street!


Pietro Clarizia Pietro Clarizia   {K:8241} 11/18/2008
bello street, composta perfettamente !

ciao !


absynthius . absynthius .   {K:20748} 11/7/2008
hey Pablo,

the shadowplay here is fascination, the composition very strong- you have chosen the right perspective~

an excellent image,



1301307 60 1301307 60   {K:44058} 11/2/2008
Oh wow, what a shadow you have here.. very good composition..
great shot!


Ania Blazejewska Ania Blazejewska   {K:23981} 10/22/2008
good capture dear Pablo, interesting tones and shadows


Claudia Perilli Claudia Perilli   {K:31090} 10/21/2008
Davvero bella!



Nelson Moore [Kes] -  Nelson Moore [Kes] -     {K:20241} 10/21/2008
Bold image, Pablo, great shot as usual!


Luca Peccerillo Luca Peccerillo   {K:17660} 10/20/2008
Mooolto bella!!!!!
Ciao Pablo.


Diego Bullita Diego Bullita   {K:17017} 10/20/2008
caro Pablo,
complimenti per questa ottima composizione in bianco e nero,
ottimo il gioco di ombre e luci che compone lo sfondo al soggetto in bici che toglie la staticità alla foto,
bel lavoro,
buona serata


Chaterine Harton Chaterine Harton   {K:4065} 10/20/2008
mi piacciono queste ombre dinamiche ed astratte!


Erland Pillegaard Erland Pillegaard   {K:34147} 10/19/2008
Very very good capture street photo


Paul Harris Paul Harris   {K:3208} 10/19/2008
A superb image


gianna piano   {K:15530} 10/19/2008
bellissima! Preferita. :)


Srna Stankovic Srna Stankovic   {K:172232} 10/19/2008
Fine play with shadow and light, great shadow and shadows, fine street shot my dear Friend !


John Hatz John Hatz   {K:156973} 10/18/2008
Excellent shot... but surely the best element here is that dramatic and big shadow of the lamp that....trying to scare me! :-D GREAT!


Paolo Corradini Paolo Corradini   {K:59552} 10/18/2008
f a vo lo s a scena!


Firas Abussaud   {K:115} 10/18/2008
nice pic..


Malules Fernandez Malules Fernandez   {K:54810} 10/18/2008
Great composition with shadows. A very good work, Pablo.


Madan Mohan  Chakraborty   {K:1531} 10/18/2008
Dear Pablo, This is simply a great work. The composition both from left and right, and also the centre column, the window on the top right, the dark portion left top corner, everything is adding value to the photograph. However, I think, the washed out portion in the central zone should have been a bit darker, and cycle is slightly in an advanced position. Probably, if you have clicked it a moment after, so you may go again, wait for another cycle, and click, and make it even stronger. Also, if possible, you can choose a slight higher angle, so that, there is some gap between the window and the head of the cyclist. It is a gallery photograph, and will enlighten any living room. Congrats.


Gaetano (Nino) Aievoli   {K:7118} 10/18/2008
Bello scatto, bel taglio, bel BW. Ma non è che il soggetto si è fregata una delle bici delle precedenti foto!? Hai visto mai...,


Mojgan Bahasadri Mojgan Bahasadri   {K:16243} 10/18/2008
Great street capture!!


debashis metro   {K:76} 10/18/2008


Howie Mudge Howie Mudge   {K:27933} 10/18/2008
As always excellent composition and perfect for black and white.


parehan .K parehan .K   {K:27453} 10/18/2008
Beautiful scene, and well composed work, a grad of brightness would brought out some hidden details in the dark part, and lovely shadows dear Pablo!!!!


Ali  dewchi    {K:15992} 10/17/2008


mousa Jubran mousa Jubran   {K:5780} 10/17/2008
Great picture.............7/7
I enjoyed seeing them. Liked very
Accept my sincere greetings.


k o                            c (saatci)  k o c (saatci)    {K:8257} 10/17/2008
very great street photo and excellent shadow. well done, Pablo...



Avi  Avi     {K:70138} 10/17/2008
amazing shadow.. super shot :)


vanessa shakesheff vanessa shakesheff   {K:68840} 10/17/2008
Wonderful play on shadow and light ..great street capture..nessa


aZiZ aBc aZiZ aBc   {K:28345} 10/17/2008
Great, ..


Arif Ertan Ersoy (aersoy) Arif Ertan Ersoy (aersoy)   {K:27380} 10/17/2008
very good work from the streets!
very well composed, nice shadow!
be well my friend,


Rocco T Rocco T   {K:4130} 10/17/2008
Perfettamente equilibrata e ben composta.
Bella anche questa.


Marian Man Marian Man   {K:80636} 10/17/2008
wow!!! fine play with light and shadows dear Pablo!!!!
a fantastic street shot!!!!!
un abbraccio


Saad Salem Saad Salem   {K:89003} 10/17/2008
a fine shot,and shadows,regards,


Teresa Ferraris Teresa Ferraris   {K:16126} 10/17/2008
Una street favolosa!!!


Fabio Keiner   {K:81109} 10/17/2008
autumn is the adequate season for pictures like this... dramatic shadowplay and an excellent composition




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