sameh azab
{K:425} 11/24/2005
nice work heba , i like ur angle & ur depth.. & u ve a gr8 saturated colours. well done.7++++ sameh azab
HebA Moo'niS
{K:296} 11/11/2005
never mind.:) hopwing to see this place by yourself sooner isa
Shady Adly
{K:7814} 11/10/2005
yes it's very nice
Hesham Abouzekry
{K:15927} 11/10/2005
wonderful view. more of greatest information because of not knowing it before. thanx a lot. H.A
Hamdy Reda
{K:874} 11/10/2005
wonderfull work Heba, best regards
HebA Moo'niS
{K:296} 11/9/2005
never mind waleed. u know me 2 i have never heared about this castle b4 the time i hav gone to shoot it.unless i have born al alex. and o alwyes there. never left it. but may be coz it is not famous enough. but u knoe this castle is a wonderfull place really. + that there is people living inside it till now. wonderful place it is. hope one day u can see it. :)
waleed montasser
{K:2569} 11/9/2005
No ive neve heard of it b4
ive seen ur previous 1 i think the ogiginal 1 here is so much better thanx 4 the explanation Heba and best regards
HebA Moo'niS
{K:296} 11/9/2005
thanks alot ninni 4 ur nice comemnts & o'm so gald that u like my photo.
Ninni Termine
{K:8990} 11/9/2005
The light emphasizes the contrast and makes to become the photo very beautiful! Ciao Ninni
HebA Moo'niS
{K:296} 11/9/2005
thnx waleed 4 liking it. this photo is 4 abou kheor castle at alexandria. egypt. i think u didn't hear about it b4. mesh keda?
waleed montasser
{K:2569} 11/9/2005
Wow its wonderful
Where is it taken ?