Robert Whiteman
{K:2201} 11/5/2005
Louise, sorry, I forgot to address last reply to Mirek. He's the one with the nice K-mart in the neighborhood. ;-)
I'll have to give this a look in Sepia though...
Louise Vessey
{K:13862} 11/5/2005
Not amymore. Zellers, Sears, Walmart are the big discount department stores in my parts... A sepia version of this would further enhance that renaissance look perhaps although the colours are stunning.
Robert Whiteman
{K:2201} 11/5/2005
Stiff and serious, or could we say formal and "behaved" as was the manner of the period we were attempting to portray in this Renaissance Portrait. She is dressed as a child of high status and in portraits from that era this was a common look. Smiles were slight at best and poses looked more "stiff" that today's. Your comments tell me that I achieved the look I intended. Thank you.
p.s. They have nice K-marts where you live?
Louise Vessey
{K:13862} 11/5/2005
oooh she's so good!! I would not compare this to a Walmart portrait at all! There is no cheesie fake scene or Dora in the background! The lighting is very professional and you've acheived that pleasant 'half smiling' expression that is so hard to do! Great portrait. Since when did Walmart start using 'rim lighting'?
Patrick Cowley
{K:2095} 11/5/2005
this will be a family treasure...it is a great photo...
Mirek Towski
{K:14880} 11/5/2005
Technically a beautiful portrait of a young girl. The lighting is very well balanced between shadows and highlights on her face and clothing, beautiful sparks in her eyes and the rim lighting in her hair is breathtaking, too say nothing of the background. However in my opinion no spirit or personality is exhibited in this picture. She looks very stiff and too serious for a kid her age. It remains me of those K-mart portraits.
Rashed Abdulla
{K:163889} 11/5/2005
a master image,great by all repsect,composition,lighting ,details and colors are perfect here,very great job,very best regards.