Loren Lloyd
{K:507} 1/26/2006
I hate using flash too if I can help it but it looks like it was just the right tone here in this pic. Nice work Melanie! I am doing more portriat and fashion work these days and was looking at Usefilm tonight for inspiration and love the one you did called starry eyed surprise. DO you post your work on Flickr yet? Check out some of my pics there at: http://flickr.com/photos/lslphoto/sets/
Kemal Kekeva
{K:3958} 12/22/2005
nothing to comment or say,excellent picture best regards
Zeev Scharf
{K:25603} 12/4/2005
Excellent portrait of beautiful Veronica,the sunset as background is magnificent,superb lighting Best regards Melanie
Siddharth Siva
{K:3327} 12/3/2005
i find this very interesting..i actually like the flash lighting with the sunset colours in the backdrop
Jeroen Krol
{K:3085} 12/2/2005
I think the combination of the ambient light and the flas is perfect...Great protrait, very well done.
Erik Neldner
{K:10846} 11/3/2005
Beautiful! I don't find the lighting to be harsh at all. The match of color in the makeup and the sky is subtle and very effective here.
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 11/2/2005
wonderful i love it.. excellent colors and mood! brava!! roby 7+
Warren B
{K:7272} 10/30/2005
I think this is a fine shot, I like the way you've composed this with your friend well to one side of the frame. The band of colour between the light and dark works quite well in this case too, I think. Well done.
Giulio Rotelli
{K:28441} 10/29/2005
Hai fatto un gran lavoro, anche con la luce del flash: ne hai addolcito le luci. Bella l'inquadratura e lo sfondo del cielo che fa risaltare ancora di piů Veronica
Luke Luther
{K:14693} 10/29/2005
Melanie, good shooting. Create a diffuser out of some opaque material for your flash. That will help soften the light and give you more of what I think you are looking for. She doesn't need a lot of help as she is stunningly beautiful...you just have to find creative ways to portray that beauty. You did well here. Framing and exposure are just part of the overal picture (pun intended) Luke
Rona K **
{K:2375} 10/29/2005
Oh God this is great. Just love the background and the model and the composition of it all. Just wonderful work here.
Mark Hamilton
{K:8387} 10/29/2005
Very nice Melanie. Great combination of flash and ambient light and cool use of the frame. I'm sure Veronica was more than happy with the results.
Vadim Melamedov
{K:1466} 10/29/2005
You did a great job here IMHO... Flash is not that harsh and blends well with ambient background. Stunning beauties do not have to wake up early thanks to photogs like yourself;)