Ann Nida
{K:45248} 2/6/2006
Thanks you for dropping by Roberto and for your kind comments and good wishes. No new posts from you for a while? Hope to see some soon.
Cheers - Ann :)
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 2/6/2006
congrats for the front page my dear..and the natural texture ! cheers roby
Ace Star
{K:21040} 1/22/2006
beautiful nature combination of fog + colors making the image a calm & peacefull look
excellent :)
Shehzaad Maroof Khan
Mary Brown
{K:71879} 11/10/2005
Beautiful shot, Ann. Tbe rainy atmosphere adds a kind of mysterious mood. Lovely colours. I can see why you would want to capture this scene. I think the picture flows out to each side from the cneter tree, so works well.
josep alsina
{K:19880} 11/6/2005
Preciosa foto otoñal. Un saludo Josep
Len Webster
{K:25714} 10/27/2005
Nice one, Ann. Beautiful landscape. The weather conditions add a little extra something..
Shaun Rullens
{K:2732} 10/27/2005
Wow wonderful color, compositon.
Gayle's Eclectic Photos
{K:91109} 10/25/2005
hahaha...like your about and i think women will not care about onlookers to get THE shot! I have been in many awkward positions in public just trying to get the perspective i want...mostly people are shocked to see i use a film camera! ;>
Love the misty moody atmosphere here and the Autumnal colors...the evergreen smack in the middle does bug me a tad,but it also looks like it is just in charge of the tree meeting...hehehe regards,gayle....i can't wait to have a completely free day to just roam and shoot...
Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia
{K:96391} 10/23/2005
marvelous mood. stunning composition. 7
Gabriela Tanaka
{K:16594} 10/23/2005
A flaming foreground and a mysterious background (who knows what happens in that mist!!!), plus the tall pine tree in the center acting as the accent, calling for attention - and it sure is a very beautiful speciman!Wonderful composition with a beautiful DOF.I love taking photos in the rain and if there is also some fog, I welcome it as a bonus! So, you were very inspired to take this shot! Gabriela
Sergio M. Cameno
{K:7856} 10/23/2005
Great colours, Ann. The fog helps to enhance the misty mood of this picture. Good work!
stingRay pt.4 .
{K:250401} 10/23/2005
Hi Ann...Stunning shot. It is nice to see what our UF friends pick up from our shots and in this instance Naomi and Kathy have spotted things that I would have missed as well. My own firm belief is, there are no rules; Your proposed shot was seen and captured I think it looks beautiful, so well done you....best wishes. Ray
Ann Nida
{K:45248} 10/23/2005
Thank you all for taking the time to view and comment on my images. I appreciate all you have to say.
Ina, I recently returned from a road trip up the Alcan to Alaska and I know what you mean about road construction everywhere. That's one heck of a road with all those frost heaves. :O No I didn't get any photos of the construction workers on this day (or in Alaska). These guys were already looking at me kind of funny cause they thought I was weird for getting soaked just to take a photo. :) I had makeup running down my face from the rain and I looked like Frankenstein's bride but I kept shooting. LOL :)
Ina Nicolae
{K:44481} 10/23/2005
Hi Ann, I think it was well worth getting wet for this one and for the falls! I love the fog -always - and the fall foliage. Majestic valley! Superb colors. Did you get any pictures of the construction workers? I'm really interested in this subject, I may be too shy to do it, though. The hard hats and yellow/ orange suits are very attractive, I find. I kick myself for not doing any in Alaska, they were on every road, and many women, some quite beautiful. Great to see your gorgeous landscapes! Ina
Don Loseke
{K:32503} 10/23/2005
Hi Ann, before you get the Hoya R72 filter check and see if it will work with the Canon Camera. I am not sure. I have friends with the Canon but they don't have a filter.. They are rather expensive. I found mine at Robin Kanta. PHOTOFILTER.COM I think is t he site. This picture has a very nice mood. The big pine right in the middle seems to divide the picture. Maybe a little to the right or left could have made the composition a little better. jUST MY IDEA. DON.
Linda Imagefree
{K:72276} 10/23/2005
Gorgeous, love it...Linda
Sam Graziano III
{K:14064} 10/23/2005
Hi Ann!
I Love the Texture of the shot a lot. I don't find the Center place ment of the tall Pine distracting at all. I feel that with it there you give the person viewing the photo a good perspective of the size the the hills and the valley. I would have popped the color a bit more, maybe a slight color burn on the midtones at about 6% opacity. But that is all personal prefernce. Remember that a shot loses a lot of color on the up-load. I am sure the original is absolutely wonderful! Well done and Presented. A 7+++++ Congrats and Best Regards
Susie OConnor
{K:34798} 10/22/2005
Ann this is lovely. I like the way the sharpness diminishes toward the back of the photo as the fog builds. Very nice perspective....I love it!
Ozjan Yeshar
{K:15239} 10/22/2005
A breathtaking seen you have captured Ann. Cheers.
Ahmed Ismail
{K:19853} 10/22/2005
I love the colors. Its beautiful! The fog adds a nice feel to the image.
Ann Nida
{K:45248} 10/22/2005
Thank you Naomi for your suggestion. Good catch. I didn't even see the tall tree at the time. Not a planned shot. Just a wet one. :)
Thank you Hooshang for your comment.
Cheers all - Ann :)
Ann Nida
{K:45248} 10/22/2005
Kathy I don't mind atg all when people enhance my images. It's always interesting to see how others see them. Thank you. I don't get a lot of time to do much PS work apart from a bump in contrast and crop and resize so I appreciate all tips and advice. I'm never offended by the suggestions or critiques of others. :)
Cheers - Ann :)
Kathy Hillard
{K:25721} 10/22/2005
I'm glad that you persevered, Ann! This is a nice shot! I love the fog. I don't know if you are a purist or not, but I was wondering what this would look like if the trees in the foreground were brightened up a bit. I took this into PS and quickly ran the burn tool over the front. Hope you don't mind :) Keep those shots coming! Kathy

Hooshang Nahrvar
{K:1939} 10/22/2005
An Excellnt & Noticable image .....Hello Fall.h-n
Naomi Weidner
{K:6636} 10/22/2005
Beautiful fall shot of the gorge. I might crop it so the tall tree is a little more off center. -- Naomi