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Infinite Sky
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Image Title:  Infinite Sky
Favorites: 1 
 By: mary karimi  
  Copyright ©2005

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Photographer mary karimi  mary karimi {Karma:10818}
Project #49 Dramatic Portrait Camera Model Canon EOS 30
Categories Nature
Film Format
Portfolio Lens Canon 28-200 mm f / 3.5
Uploaded 10/20/2005 Film / Memory Type Agfa  Vista
    ISO / Film Speed 200
Views 986 Shutter
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Critiques 60 Rating Critique Only Image
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Country - Iran   Iran
About Who are you and Who am I to say we know the reason why?
Some are born,
Some men die beneath one infinite SKY.
there'll be war,there'll be peace.
but everything one day will cease.

"Childhood's End"
Pink Floyd
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" Opium I "

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He was a poor boy, but...

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Never....I can't never forget

There are 60 Comments in 1 Pages
Maurizio Massetti Maurizio Massetti   {K:30463} 10/20/2006
Excellent "about", maybe better "Wish you were here", don't you think so...?


Guido Cosentino Guido Cosentino   {K:2903} 10/10/2006
give toi to me the feeling of the space of the freedom.


mary karimi mary karimi   {K:10818} 8/22/2006
thank you are also so grat and nice boy ;)
we were chatting 2 mins ago ;)


Abdelrahman Elwassimy Abdelrahman Elwassimy   {K:3707} 8/21/2006
nice shot mary:) i like the title alot and so as the about:) by the way ur profile shot is great and the words in the about of the profile are impressive:)well done for the poet photographer:)i added u on yahoo messenger by the way!


Iman M. Nezami Iman M. Nezami   {K:3276} 4/27/2006
A nice shot but it do not make me feel infinite sky. it makes me feel free and fulll of Energy!, youth and a great unnamed feeling. something that you can feel when you are there!
a nice shot


Reza Rabbani   {K:1548} 4/24/2006


mary karimi mary karimi   {K:10818} 1/8/2006
mamnoonam Kambiz jan.....


Kambiz K Kambiz K   {K:37420} 1/7/2006
What a great shot when you could feel freedom inside. Lovely shot from that angle.


mary karimi mary karimi   {K:10818} 12/5/2005
thanks dear Sanjeev for this poetical comment.....:)))


sanjeev jain   {K:8763} 12/5/2005
i like the sprit of the travller here his will only let him reach so far a journey in itself is mysterious.......i like ur capture ....


mary karimi mary karimi   {K:10818} 11/13/2005
thank you dear Rohit.....Lots of smiles:).... :)))


Rohit A   {K:569} 11/13/2005
Hi Marry ,Awesome peice of work, a story narrated with grace;)
Lots of smiles:)


mary karimi mary karimi   {K:10818} 10/31/2005
Mani you're right
it is the end of this song "childhoods's end"
All the iron turned to rust ......
I'm so absent-minded:)
thanks for your notice ;)


Mani Mobini   {K:1073} 10/30/2005
Im just a huge fan of Pink Floyd as I imagin you are too.


mary karimi mary karimi   {K:10818} 10/30/2005
wow Mani.......are you a poet?
thanks for your comment and adding me to your friends list:)))


Judi Liosatos Judi Liosatos   {K:34047} 10/30/2005
Very good perspective. The red shirt contrasts well against the sky.



Mani Mobini   {K:1073} 10/30/2005

All the iron turned to rust all the proud men turned to dust.
And so all things, time will this song will end.


mary karimi mary karimi   {K:10818} 10/30/2005
ok...I'll wait for you ;)


mundh    {K:3974} 10/30/2005
yes mary i can see u but not that clear. why dont u upload a close up photo uf urs. ok i ll mail my picture cus dont want to put on UF ID.but tomorrow cus i hv to bring from home. i think i better install yahoo chat to talk with u.n somany yahoo other friends.


mary karimi mary karimi   {K:10818} 10/30/2005
ok....dear mundh I changed my bio's photo....did you see it?
also you can mail me:


mundh    {K:3974} 10/30/2005
or so that isnt so how can i see a picture of urs. i like to see all the faces of my UF friends. its ok if u mail if u dont want to show on UF..


Mohamed Banna Mohamed Banna   {K:34237} 10/29/2005
nice angle
great colors
perfect tones


mary karimi mary karimi   {K:10818} 10/27/2005
DEAR mundh my good friend, thanks for always your nice comments and deep feelings.
no...she isn't me....
I have short hair ;)


mundh    {K:3974} 10/26/2005
very beautiful. n the workin of pink floyd n the title is perfect. weldone. is that u ?


Endre Novak Endre Novak   {K:12666} 10/25/2005
simply great. bravo dear Mary. great angle and colours.



mary karimi mary karimi   {K:10818} 10/25/2005
az rahnamayit vaghean mamnoonam Mohsen jan,in dafe hatman az polarize estefade mikonam ;)
baz ham montazere commenthaye sazandat hastam.



Mohsen Bayramnejad Mohsen Bayramnejad   {K:21377} 10/25/2005
oh Mary you did it!!!..there is nothing to say,just Bravo!..
faghat khaheshan az polarize estefade kon!heyfe in abr-ha too in faza!
cheers Mary,


Francesco  Francesco   {K:8101} 10/25/2005
....but the beautiful mind of Mary will never cease.........Ciao Bellissima!


cytte    {K:2089} 10/25/2005
Excellent image,well done.
nice background.
love the sky.



mary karimi mary karimi   {K:10818} 10/25/2005
ciò è utile sentirla, ringrazia per la revisione il mio portrait sparato ed il vostro commento di appoggio.
Riguardi Caldi.


Ali Naghizadeh Ali Naghizadeh   {K:19600} 10/24/2005
Great shot .. Very well done Dear Mary ... I really like the background .. great work ..

My best regards,


Simone Tagliaferri Simone Tagliaferri   {K:28180} 10/24/2005
Bellissima. Ottimo il contrasto fra i colori della donna e quelli del cielo. Complimenti.


Sam Kh Sam Kh   {K:19017} 10/23/2005
it was wrong
i mean who was she?
sorry :)


Shady Adly Shady Adly   {K:7814} 10/23/2005
Marvellous Portrait Mary, this looks super in coloed
Best wishes,


mary karimi mary karimi   {K:10818} 10/22/2005
Dear Sam
I have a mountain serie...this shot was taken in "Shirpalla" one of the famouse mountains in north of Tehran...if you want to know the exact location it the vally of Osoon.
What do you mean by asking how the model is?
I took this shot last friday(22 Mehr) at 11 a.m.


Stephen Bivens   {K:7308} 10/22/2005
FLOYD !!!!!! Yes. Great shot.


Sam Kh Sam Kh   {K:19017} 10/22/2005
where was it?
how is the model?
when did you capture it?


Robert Kocs Robert Kocs   {K:89085} 10/22/2005
Excellent composition with nice title. Very nice thougths, lovely cloudy sky. Very well done dear Mary! I really enjoyed this one!

My best regards!


mary karimi mary karimi   {K:10818} 10/22/2005
Dear sam
you can ask me everything you want about this shot ;)


mary karimi mary karimi   {K:10818} 10/22/2005
wow...Dear Aram
you can see and analyze very well.
I'm always looking forward for your comments.
You're a constant visitor to my page, always having a wonderfull comment to make.
your critique is structural and I honor you.
Thanks a million for the kind remark.



Sam Kh Sam Kh   {K:19017} 10/22/2005
beautiful the cardpostal images.
wish you explaind more aboutit.
well done again :)


Zeev Scharf   {K:25603} 10/22/2005
Excellent capture Mary,a whole story can be told here,the composition is magnificent
Many thanks for so nice words on "Ghost {Adjusted
Best regards


Aram Gharib Aram Gharib   {K:4656} 10/22/2005
Dear Mary, this picture was not easy for me to feel! I had to look and re-look it several times in order to find out the elemnt that, beyond the beautiful composition of grays, reds and cyans, was disturbing me: I thinks it is the fact that your model has her bag on the shoulders and that, because of the "contre-plongée", she appears to standing at some height. She looks like preparing herself to jump or dive, like a parachutiste... There is some anxiety that disturbs me and the "everything one day will cease" magnifies it.

(Well! actually the good thing is that childhood doesn't *end* it is just mocked up! Through the art, in particular, you can keep it on the surface. Otherwise the life would become too boring!)

Very dramatic and full of suspense.


Gustavo Scheverin Gustavo Scheverin   {K:164501} 10/22/2005
Bella foto.


Mahmoud Baha Sadri Mahmoud Baha Sadri   {K:19634} 10/21/2005
"everything one day will cease."


mary karimi mary karimi   {K:10818} 10/21/2005
arezoo mikoni baraye chi?


Mahmoud Baha Sadri Mahmoud Baha Sadri   {K:19634} 10/21/2005
I some times hope so!


aLI . aLI .   {K:2468} 10/21/2005
khobe o0 por enrgy makhsosan rangash faghat ey kash model et nemidotest dari azash aks migiri
photoshop ham enghad zyad nabood vali shere pinkfloyd hamm bahal ee un paein


Paolo Corradini Paolo Corradini   {K:59552} 10/21/2005
cool pink floyd words..i think this is a beautiful shot with positive colours.
great kiss (grande bacio)
have a nice Week end!



Paolo Corradini Paolo Corradini   {K:59552} 10/21/2005
cool pink floyd words..i thin this is a beautiful shot with positive colours.
great kiss (grande bacio)
have a nice Week end!



Ali Peyman Ali Peyman   {K:1176} 10/21/2005


Tim Morgan   {K:1023} 10/21/2005
Salam Mary, I like the use of all the extra space. It adds to the feeling that the lyrics create, and they fuse together.


Hooshang Nahrvar   {K:1939} 10/21/2005
salam mary khanoom,a perfect position for getting a nice & momorial image.h-n


mary karimi mary karimi   {K:10818} 10/21/2005
Batoor jan,thanks for your care and taking the time to analyze and make on this shot, you are so kind ;)
I think that being free may be indicated by the exaggration in using more free space in this image.
But, I would agree with your idea, if I didn't make the subject centeralized.


Barat Ali Batoor Barat Ali Batoor   {K:169} 10/21/2005
Great efforts Mary Jan. But I think the subject is almost centralized and you have alot of free space as well. If you would croped and wouldn't make centralized the subject would be better. I have attached it here with some crop. Please don't mind that I used ur pic. Its just my idea...Batoor


With some crop

Kiarang Alaei Kiarang Alaei   {K:49415} 10/20/2005
You have very good eys and graphical look. this is a nice/simply photoart that showes your good understanding of colors and hues.the idea is nice and the centeral composition; it realy works perfect.


Galal El Missary   {K:84569} 10/20/2005
Simple ... very nice



Riny  Koopman   {K:19998} 10/20/2005
great piece of simplicity..


pan g. pan g.   {K:16899} 10/20/2005
I love the contrast between the red t-shirt and the sky.
A simple composition that is most effective!
Great work Mary ! Hugs... byeee :)


BISWAJIT DASGUPTA   {K:2818} 10/20/2005
Excellent image,well done.




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