This butterly has some wing damage and he is only about halfway to his winter home. Focal Length 220mm Macro,F/5.3, No additional sharpening or saturation, Bevel used and cropped for presentation.
So nice of this beauty to have landed in just the right spot to be perfectly framed in your capture...not to mention the nice contrast between his colors and the background. The leaves on the right aappear to be a little blown out - but my guess is you were fighting sunshine and shadows here. To be perfectly honest, the lighter colors on the leaves on the right and the bottom of the shot really help in the framing. Not sure you would have had the same effect if the leaves had been darker - or if you had done a little PS work. Well seen, and great capture! Jan
This lens is my favorite to take macros. It is not real great under low light but opening up the stops and using flash to highlight the subject usually works well. This lens has a great bokeh. I also use a 28-80 Macro, but the bokeh is not as good.,Ceceilia