Anthony Lound
{K:6661} 9/20/2005
Looking at your portfolio Ahmed, yes we do! Thank you for your informative comments. See you around soon :)
Ahmed Ismail
{K:19853} 9/19/2005
Beautiful shot! The branch and leaves in the top adds so much beauty to this ancient looking door. Its beautiful. Like you said, I too feel we have a lot in common in our choice of subjects.
Anthony Lound
{K:6661} 9/17/2005
I do not think I made tis RAW versus jpeg thingy clear. So here goes:
I set my cam to RAW because I want to get the most information that the sensor can deliver (with a possible view to printing BIG) and with the guarantee I can manipulate it in PS however I like. RAW is all that the sensor got the moment I shot it. BUT, RAW files average 5Mb in my cam, so when I post to Usefilm for example, I have to resize and convert to jpeg. BUT whatever I do in some crazy PS moment (haha) I still have the original RAW file.
Anthony Lound
{K:6661} 9/17/2005
Ina, why yes it was in RAW. Just to be clear - RAW is merely (or NOT) the data that comes straight off the CCD or CMOS in a digital camera as the sensor captured it, absent any in-cam menu preferences whatsover (like in-cam saturation, sharpening, bleh). It's just what the sensor picked up nakedly.
NOW - since a RAW image is massively too big for the purposes of web publishing, such as here on Usefilm, all we see is a jpeg - good as they are. I don't need to tell you how much is lost by "lossy" jpeg compression in the conversion. Still, it would be crazy to expect Usefilm to accept RAW.
Ina Nicolae
{K:44481} 9/17/2005
My, what a splendid entrance, the carved details and the glass panes are exquisite. I like the contrasting bright leaves. Was this done in RAW? Congratulations!
Anthony Lound
{K:6661} 9/17/2005
oak leaves get a raw deal here for sure though - but it's a compromise, as usual :)
Anthony Lound
{K:6661} 9/17/2005
Umm...I am not sure - I'm usually the first to point out washed out content. I do not see it in this pic though.
Kathy Hillard
{K:25721} 9/17/2005
More great textures, Anthony! They don't make doors like this anymore, do they? This looks a little washed out in the center. Is that the doors or something with the photo? Well done! Kathy