RAW...nice! I still haven't got my Canon back from the repair shop. I find even 6MP JPEG's are OK to process compared to my 4MP JPEG's from the Panasonic FZ-10, which can't do RAW. I'll make a point to start using RAW as soon as I get my DRebel back.
Great idea Ina - I like it a lot. Thank you for taking the trouble. You know, what I'm finding is that when one zooms far into an image using PS, all sorts of promising new possibilities and perspectives emerge that just arent obvious when viewing the image in its original size. And it's atonishing how quality holds up with dSLRs even when cropping in extremis, especially using RAW.
Hi Anthony, I like the blue water very much, and especially the contrasting yellow-green plants under water - the dark shadow in the middle is a bit strong. I'd crop away the grass as to concentrate only on the water, and eliminate the central shadow. Here's my take on it, I hope you don't mind :)