Erbil Dabağlar
{K:1142} 2/22/2006
Müthiş güzel bir kare fethi, bende senin fotoğraflarını çok beğeniyorum, sürekli izliyorum.
Reda Danaf
{K:14309} 10/23/2005
Beautiful shot well composed.
Mehmet Yorgancilar
{K:566} 9/16/2005
Cok sade ve cok guzel.
{K:2023} 9/15/2005
Dingin ve mutluluk tablosu bir kompozisyon, Tebrikler. +7
Aram Gharib
{K:4656} 9/13/2005
Lovely composition of lights and colours.
The image in the lake and the dark contrasts suggest to me the idea of friendship fragility that accompany the calm and peaceful impression mentioned by other viewers.
Good work and thanks for sharing.
Claude Tenot
{K:9960} 9/12/2005
Magnifique composition Fethi....continues..j'en redemande
Onur Özbakan
{K:16763} 9/12/2005
komsu o dingin ortamdaki arkadasliga cok ozendim, tonlar ve siluetler cok yakismis, soyle bir portfolyo geneline goz attim, "deneme"lere tam yol devam.. eline saglik iyi isler bu da digerleri de..
Luis Diogo
{K:6019} 9/12/2005
Very nice perspective, beautiful light, silhouetts and composition, congratulations for this moment, excelent photografy. Luis.
MErt Y
{K:1984} 9/12/2005
Huzur dolu, cok guzel bir fotograf. Tebrikler...
Gustavo Scheverin
{K:164501} 9/12/2005
Hermosa foto que transmite una gran calma. Felicitaciones!
Ameed El-Ghoul
{K:42215} 9/11/2005
This is just wonderful Fethi, I like the composition allot, very well seen and captured, Regards,
Jeanette Hägglund
{K:59855} 9/11/2005
PEACEFUL - so lovely, calm and peerfect choice for project Fethi! I like the composition and colours in blue and purple!
Brulim .
{K:2987} 9/11/2005
kucuk boyutlu fotografiniz ama harika gorunuyor. yansımalar ve suyun sakinligi harika..
Warren B
{K:7272} 9/11/2005
Nice shot, I like the eccentric framing and the sense of peace you've captured here. Well done.
gianpaolo reggi
{K:2841} 9/11/2005
Excellent work.