siddhardha garige
{K:1746} 10/22/2005
Thanks for your nice reply ken. I am in the process of getting a degree in photography and now a days i am spending a lot of time in studying composition rules and geeting critics on my pictures. Frankly i dont get much out of some one coming and saying good shot. I want ppl to critic my pics and tell me what wrong with them. I did that will couple of guys on usefilm and after a while i got a feeling that they did not liked it. I am sure you are not one of those but ended up with you in flow. I am sure you all are wonderful people and good luck.
ken krishnan
{K:19102} 10/22/2005
Hi Siddhardha,
Thank you for the interesting observation and comment.
Offence ! Why would I get offended.
In fact, it is really nice of you to come up with useful observtions.
Barbara is my little darling. I love the child to bids. She is one bundle of joy. She makes me and her mom so happy. I am in the process of adopting her as my daughter.
That bubble she has got on the picture is a fake -I added it. I missed the real bubble she managed to make after all those tryings !
Thank you for the observation.
regards, ken.
siddhardha garige
{K:1746} 10/19/2005
Nice shot. good compositon. on the pic ends on left side of the girl is a vertical cut and it of gave a feel that its not layer mask. If you move her to all the way to the left it will be even better. Other than that i found half of the bubble is missing may be you wnat to take care of that.
Its just my view. Pls do not get offended.
Claude Tenot
{K:9960} 10/1/2005
Très beau point d'impact sur ce très beau visage totalement concentré sur la bulle en devenir....tu te trouvais vraiment là au beau moment...
Merci pour ton cordial message ken
Sun Shine
{K:6225} 9/5/2005
Magnificent capture!!!!!
Veery very well done!
laphael wang
{K:2318} 9/4/2005
This image hase a good blur background,you grasp girl's moment expression,the fram is very good,too.
Alastair Bell
{K:29571} 9/2/2005
Wonderful Ken... love the expression of concentration on her face! The only negative point on the imae is the PS work cutting her out from the original background is a little obvious around the back of her head. It would be intereting to see the original image too....
Nicely seen and composed though Ken (and I love the framing....)
patrizio napolitano
{K:13119} 9/1/2005
un ritratto molto bello e delicato complimenti patrizio
Chris Spracklen
{K:32552} 9/1/2005
Super shot, Ken, and beautifully presented! Best regards, Chris