andrew rode
{K:490} 8/26/2005
haha, yes! where do u live?
p.s. are you russian? ti govorish pa ruski?
add me to msn: andrewrode@hotmail.com
Natalia Petrovsky
{K:20} 8/25/2005
Awesome lighting. You've captured this place really well - Lake Burley Griffin, right? Natalia
Sameh Odeh
{K:4717} 8/2/2005
what a nice and great Depth of Field .. well done , and very nice shot ...
Sam Graziano III
{K:14064} 8/2/2005
Another Great post Andrew, I think this one should be in the lines project. Every line leads you to the same place! trying to see what is around the corner. Wonderful comp,dof and the croping. Congrats! Sam
Erland Pillegaard
{K:34147} 8/1/2005
Well capture picture
Jeff Quigley
{K:965} 7/30/2005
I like the subject, composition and perspective of this one Andrew. I have two suggestions. I would try to straighten up the tower in Photoshop so it doesn't lean. I would also try reshooting with a smaller aperture to bring the forground into focus and reduce the burn out in the highlights.
Branimir Fagarazzi
{K:38367} 7/30/2005
Excellent compose
Myles King
{K:791} 7/30/2005
excelent photograph..i really love the colors and light reflections!
Felipe Castro
{K:561} 7/30/2005
excelente fotografia! muy buen manejo de luz y profundidad de campo felicidades!!