Riny Koopman
{K:102911} 7/5/2006
Very intresting image Toshi,Gongrats,well derserved!! Hello from the Netherland,Riny
Paulo Teixeira
{K:1004} 6/29/2006
Excellent!!! In fact I'm not the only one to have this opinion...rrsss Congratulations on the awards ! Regards. Alex
Daniele Berti
{K:452} 3/13/2006
The title is too expressive and the image corespond to this. Congratulations!
mohamed fathalla
{K:1090} 3/5/2006
so beauty excellent presentation well done
Terry Taylor
{K:1503} 11/29/2005
It seems your images come so naturally to you.
Claude Lussier
{K:4626} 9/10/2005
Wow, what a composition there, beautiful. Congrats for your double award. Regards Claude
Jeanette Hägglund
{K:59855} 8/19/2005
Beautifl!!! I like geometry created here, of the table, the lines and the flower so sadly laying there! CONGRATS!!!
Randy Lorance
{K:24769} 8/14/2005
Featured donor, BIP, and SC !!! Congratulations on this well done. Nicely focused with the DOF used. Subtle tones and light fit the meaning expressed.
Mark Simon
{K:12} 8/14/2005
The flower seems like a character rather than just an object in composition.
Riny Koopman
{K:19998} 8/14/2005
Excellent gongrats for the double ARWARDS!!! My regards Riny
{K:11924} 8/14/2005
Thanks so much Carolyn :)
Carolyn Wiesbrock
{K:14051} 8/14/2005
Congratulations on your recent awards!!
Alejandro Gómez
{K:4270} 8/14/2005
Excellent photo and better title. Great contrast, lights and shadows.
PK- Photos
{K:13099} 8/14/2005
looks interesting with the perspective how you composed it, like the depth. Beautiful......
best wishes from Germany, Pia :)
atalay karacaorenli
{K:1557} 8/14/2005
John Loreaux
{K:86210} 8/1/2005
CONGRATS on the DOUBLE award Toshi!!!!!OUTSTANDING composition!!!!!!! A lovely image!!! A real winner! Super work! My best to You!..............John
Marcia .
{K:16108} 7/29/2005
Wonderful picture, Toshi. Excellence of capture and edition. Well deserved double awards! You have a wonderful style.
Amna Al Shamsi
{K:21795} 7/27/2005
Simply beautiful! congrats for the awards
Alexey Sapa
{K:27174} 7/27/2005
My congratulation on BIP and SC! AMAZING picture! Best wishes! ALexey
Mort Gage
{K:2743} 7/26/2005
congrats on well deserved award! i really like this image --- its perspective, colors, organic v. steel (looks like a steel beam to me). nice job!
{K:11924} 7/26/2005
Hi Peta, thanks so much for your comments. The title is a little on the sad side, but I'm glad you liked the image :)
{K:11924} 7/26/2005
Hello Roby, thank you so much for stopping by to comment! I appreciate all your kind words on the photo :)
p e t a .
{K:18700} 7/26/2005
Hi Toshi. Your title makes me sad, but I still love the image. I think there are some things in life that last forever :)
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 7/26/2005
hello.. absoluetly fantastic view and idea of floers.. I like it.. have a great double award well deseved it! fantastic DOF and composition.. so up, up.. up.. in the sky! I like it so much.. very well composed roby
{K:11924} 7/26/2005
Haha, you were right Rob! Thanks so much for the vote of confidence in my photo :)
Rob Graziano
{K:6678} 7/25/2005
See...didn't I tell you! :) Great Job...a double award and your very much deserve it!!! Congrats Toshi!!
John Nobody
{K:4914} 7/25/2005
You did a pretty good job here, i love the line and the colors. The contrast is perfect. The awards are well deserved.
Laurie Gould
{K:11942} 7/25/2005
Beautiful composition! I love the shrinking perspective on the legde and the flower is, of course, beautiful. well done. :)
Paolo Corradini
{K:59552} 7/25/2005
unusual point of you an creative composition! i like i t so much Toshi! take care
Mary Brown
{K:71879} 7/25/2005
A different perspective, once again that makes a terrific shot. Mary
Orazio Minnella
{K:49417} 7/25/2005
Superb floreal shot.Nice point of observation and great composition.
Linda Imagefree
{K:72276} 7/25/2005
Beautiful and delicate...a lovely presentation..excellent dof...well done..:):)linda
Liz Wallis
{K:26133} 7/25/2005
So true Toshi, we need to enjoy things like this while they last. gorgeous colour, composition and presentation. Liz
Chris Spracklen
{K:32552} 7/24/2005
A very evocative image, Toshi! Nicely done. Kind regards, Chris
{K:11924} 7/24/2005
Wow, thanks so much for the great comments Rob!
Rob Graziano
{K:6678} 7/24/2005
Excellent Toshi!!! I would be surprised if this didn't win an award. I love how the beam it is sitting on run into the distance, seemingly forever; great word play colliding the two concepts together! Great!
Carolyn Wiesbrock
{K:14051} 7/24/2005
Absolutely beautiful!
Nigel Watts.
{K:5236} 7/24/2005
Fantastic composition, great camera angle, background andgle, flower angle I like it Nigel
Gregory McLemore
{K:35129} 7/24/2005
Wonderfully displayed, very appropriate.
Susie OConnor
{K:34798} 7/24/2005
This is wonderful. The texture between the flower and the metal, the line of the stem and the angles of the metal peice really work to make this a work of art.
{K:11924} 7/24/2005
Thanks so much Sarah! I really appreciate your encouraging comments :)
{K:11924} 7/24/2005
Thanks so much for your recent comments Robert, much appreciated :)
Sarah Per Lee
{K:2477} 7/24/2005
You have an incredibly, unique way of "introducing" if you will, a flower. Your flowers are almost 3D. Great comp as always Toshi.
Robert Kocs
{K:89085} 7/24/2005
Incredible details, nice colors, great composition Toshi! Flower is beutiful. I like textures on rusted balustrade, very fine tones. Great work my friend! Well done! Best wishes! Robert
Czeslav Gavinkovski
{K:6800} 7/24/2005
Nothing is forever...the puzzling picture. Very original and interesting compo.
Bryan Steffy
{K:4910} 7/24/2005
nothing is for ever is it... amazing image Toshi great exposure and composition... congrats!
Galal El Missary
{K:84569} 7/24/2005
Very Beautiful Toshi , Great composition & tones , regards .