Anunay Nayak
{K:2807} 7/18/2006
thanks gunjan for your comment
Gunjan Pandey
{K:884} 7/18/2006
Very nice shot
Anunay Nayak
{K:2807} 7/11/2006
thank u avi.
{K:70138} 7/11/2006
FATAFATI @!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... kono kotha hobe na !!! :)))
all the very best, Avi
Angelo Villaschi
{K:49617} 8/14/2005
Beautiful delicate colours and tones, Anunay. Very well captured. The white background is ideal. Is it a lightbox?
I'd favour a simple border, though. And maybe a smaller aperture for a bit more sharpness and DOF.
Laszlo Illes
{K:2019} 8/11/2005
Stunning... Best regards, Laci
Pankaj Arora
{K:3752} 8/7/2005
Wow this great..i would rank this as a personal best out of your whole portfolio....loved the clarity, composition lighting and the colors....in short everything about this frame...
well done! BWs Pankaj
Salvatore Rossignolo
{K:13559} 8/4/2005
7/7 Brilliant perspective and color. Sal
Anindya Maity
{K:7880} 7/26/2005
Unusual perspective.My favourite lily too.
waleed montasser
{K:2569} 7/23/2005
Wonderful photograph
unique perspective
shaona chatterjee
{K:69} 7/19/2005
opurbo, onoboddo , breath-taking piece of work !!
Kimmy Magino
{K:2457} 7/17/2005
Very unique!
Mohamed Banna
{K:34237} 7/17/2005
in my favorites,, well done,, perfect macro,, great nice color 7/7 for sur.. perfect cropping,, strong composition,, i love the angle,,very creative and artistic
Anunay Nayak
{K:2807} 7/17/2005
thanks everybody for your comments. it is really inspiring to me.
Felipe Castro
{K:561} 7/17/2005
hermosa fotografia, muy buen detalle y excelente color felicidades 7/7!!!
Babur Bilgili
{K:42} 7/17/2005
Nice composition with a great light. I like these flowers very much. Best regards.
Laurie Gould
{K:11942} 7/17/2005
Beautiful colors and contrast with the bright white background. Well done! :)
Steven Keys
{K:256} 7/17/2005
sweet picture. i love the detail of macros
Nigel Watts.
{K:5236} 7/17/2005
Great camera angle and lighting Nigel
Antonio Trincone
{K:23167} 7/17/2005
fine flower shot for color, sharpness and lighting in general
Luca LucaŽ
{K:2429} 7/17/2005
wonderful shot colors composition really beautiful congr!
Caprice Duvent
{K:3998} 7/17/2005
Beautiful shot! splendid details,colors and framing! Best Regards Caprice
Tom Crowning
{K:426} 7/17/2005
Creative composition and great colors and detail. Something to hang in your living room!