Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 7/1/2005
Your prince is on his way. Let me know if you are happy with his new look and the information he carries for you.
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 7/1/2005
Thanks. I should have it ready within 30 minutes of receiving it. I will email you before I send it.
Alison Stroebel
{K:4069} 7/1/2005
Ok thank you . Its on its way!
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 7/1/2005
No Alison don't. Send me the large file and I will correct that for you. A small file like that will not print well at all.
My email addy is in my bio and I can take emails up to 10 meg each.
Alison Stroebel
{K:4069} 7/1/2005
Wow Judi, Thank you. No I don't mind at all. I consider it a priviledge that you would take the time. It looks wonderful. I am going to now print and frame it. THANK YOU SO MUCH.
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 7/1/2005
Hi Alison. I hope you don't mind but I played with your image. I removed some of the distracting areas and alter the colour and lighting of the face. I hope it is okay.

Alison Stroebel
{K:4069} 6/30/2005
Hi Judi, Thank you for the comment. There was no more light unfortuneatly just natural day light out in the middle of the ocean..lol I agree thankyou I am sure it would have improved it. Always great to get comments to learn from. Thank you.
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 6/29/2005
Good angle and capture. Probably a little more light across the face would bring this one right out. You have managed to keep wonderful detail in his face.
Thanks Alison for your comments on my images.