Marcia .
{K:16108} 7/4/2005
Wonderful!!! Excellent shot. Congratulations and thanks for sharing. :-)
H@shim A
{K:2195} 6/29/2005
A classic Mark.
I do have a question for you. I'd like to tap into your expertise and ask a hypothetical.
If you could only have one lens, which would it be and why?
I'm in the market to supplement my glass: a 18-70 zoom and a 50 prime for my DSLR.
Any suggestions would be appreciated from you.
Thanks much.
Mark Julian
{K:36866} 6/29/2005
No Ellie, You're right. I believe those are sprinkler heads but I've never seen them used when there or in any photo's. Then again it's very hot in that area so a lot of evaporation must be going on from the reflection pools. Maybe they turn them on when the sight is closed to the public. That's the only thing I can think of. Thanks for stopping by. Mark
ellie photos
{K:1583} 6/29/2005
Beautiful capture. Something strange about the reflection, it looks like there are a series of pirouhetted shapes down the center, maybe I'm just tired, are they from the spiral on the central dome?
Angelo Villaschi
{K:49617} 6/28/2005
Fantastic colours and a great reflection, Mark. Very nice results.
[[dead account]]
{K:6692} 6/28/2005
You are so lucky to get to see this. These colors are really wild.
Ashley Hays
{K:2100} 6/28/2005
I'm starting to get very fond of your late day/early morning photographs.
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 6/28/2005
Great capture and colours. The reflection is brilliant to show off this masterpiece of architecture.
Thankyou so much Mark for your comments. I will try the ratings. My daughter wanted them on hers, and then asked why I didn't have them. How could I tell her the truth? So I said that I would try them again.
Paul Lara
{K:88111} 6/28/2005
oh Mark, this is stunning. Yeah, I love twilight shooting, as you get most subtle blues and pinks in the sky.
I really love how the underexposed reflection shows off more texture than the Taj itself.