John Pitman
{K:8473} 2/24/2006
Nice moody shot. Well done on the award. John
Terry Ward
{K:-926} 1/8/2006
I really like rail shots. The tones and the hase in this makes for a super photo. T
Liz Wallis
{K:26133} 1/7/2006
very sombre in content, but stunning in a photographic sense....congrats on POD, you totally deserved it. :)))
{K:2507} 1/7/2006
Hello Paolo! What can I say! Beautiful choice. It travels us...
Dr. Rafael Springmann
{K:89517} 1/7/2006
Thank you, Paolo, Rafi Springmann
Paolo Corradini
{K:59552} 1/7/2006
thank you, you've right i'm thinking the same... best regards
{K:2772} 1/7/2006
nice shot..well done
Dr. Rafael Springmann
{K:89517} 1/7/2006
As a photo, I can't deny it's being a very good one. Very few of the commentators knew, however, or referred to the fact that Birkenau was an integral part of Auschwitz, a place at which a lagre percentage of Europe's Jews and other "undesirables" were gased & cremated. Dr. Rafael Springmann
Paolo Corradini
{K:59552} 1/7/2006
Thank you so much my friend! ;)
Robert Kocs
{K:89085} 1/6/2006
What a fantastic composition, very moody feeling with great scene. Nice scenery for the war movie. Well toning and balanced image. Perfect perspective and interesting angle. Very well done dear friend! :)
Congratulations for the "PoD" award and the Front Page. Nice to see your work on the front page. I'm very proud of you dear Paolo! :)
Ciao! Have a nice week end! Robert
Sidney Chan
{K:404} 1/6/2006
Woo~ Really nice!! The tone of colour is great. Composition is also nice!
Subhash Sen
{K:11931} 1/6/2006
Nuno Borges
{K:1570} 1/6/2006
Reminds me of the rail border between Germany and Tchecoslovakia back in 1977, when I passed there.
Simone Tagliaferri
{K:28180} 1/6/2006
Bellissima foto e complimenti per essere il fotografo del giorno.
Marco Donatiello
{K:12147} 1/6/2006
Un Award pienamente meritato, Paolo! un'immagine nn solo bella tecnicamente, ma ricca di significati... Ciao
Sergio Villa
{K:239} 1/6/2006
Bello scatto, l'atmosfera tristemente cupa rende bene l'idea del posto.
Paolo Corradini
{K:59552} 1/6/2006
thank you! too kind :)
Engy Farahat
{K:11591} 1/6/2006
Wow!! stunning composition Paolo!. what a beautiful landscape. excellent DOF. and I like the misty horizon. amazingly textures & tones. great capture. congratulation on POD.
{K:1284} 1/5/2006
Wow, this is the work of a genius.
Thilo Bayer
{K:50358} 1/5/2006
Hi Paolo,
first of all: Congrats on the photographer of the day! This is a rather old picture but nevertheless so full of mood in this very sad place. the toning is so special here. congrats!
best wishes, Thilo
{K:8643} 1/5/2006
Beautiful, wonderful tones and composition, congrats on PoD!
Ace Star
{K:21040} 1/5/2006
powerfull composition! :)
Ina Nicolae
{K:44481} 1/5/2006
Very powerful mood of the place, really gives a feel for the horrible history and the thousands of lives lost senslessly through sheer madness. Extraordinary and somber perspective and color treatment. Best regards, Ina
Paolo Corradini
{K:59552} 1/5/2006
thank you so much Lori! ;)
Ivan Di Pietro
{K:1229} 1/5/2006
very nice image! ivan
Mohamed Banna
{K:34237} 1/5/2006
congratulations for the POD sure u deserv it
Hanggan Situmorang
{K:37833} 1/5/2006
Wow, superb! Great perspective and mood captured here, Paolo. Congratulations for the award, my friend!
Lori Stitt
{K:75282} 1/5/2006
Hi Paolo,
Looks like a bleak morning! Really good capture, the tones, perspective and 'gooe eye' add up to a WINNING moment and image!
Have a GR8 day/evening, Lori :)
Pooriya Zarrabi
{K:3836} 1/5/2006
wonderful shot. nice angle and view. perfect composition and perspective. lovely tone...
Paolo Corradini
{K:59552} 1/5/2006
:) big big hugs to you!
Janet B
{K:16139} 1/5/2006
Congratulations on your well deserved POD, Paolo! Love the chosen photo!! Your beautiful tones and vision :) Big HUGS!!
Dino Lupani
{K:15142} 1/5/2006
Immagine emotivamente struggente caro Paolo, POD strameritato!! Ciao
Francesco Francesco
{K:8101} 1/5/2006
Bravissimo Paolo, bella l'immagine, appropriata la tonalità, limpido il messaggio...sei un grande! Ciao
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 1/5/2006
dirompente solitudine.. molto bella soprattutto per il tono dorato e la luce paricolarmente soffusa! struggente .. un po' meno per il ricordo.. complimenti per il POD! ciao roby
Alberto Romano
{K:2407} 1/5/2006
Bellissima immagine! La prospettiva, unita alla sottile nebbiolina, fa spaziare l'immaginazione.... Complimenti... Alberto
Mattia L.
{K:7625} 1/5/2006
Stupenda atmosfera!
Jeanette Hägglund
{K:59855} 1/4/2006
Congrats for POD!!!
kike Calvo
{K:11291} 7/8/2005
Perfect title and realization... wonderful Great atmosphere and great tones Paolo your portfolio is IMPRESIVE! Kike
boubekeur boukerma
{K:2623} 7/2/2005
That's amazing I was exactly thinking about Birkenau when I was looking after the thumbnail, and now I uderstood I wasn't alone.
Thanks for this reminder of the Mankind capability to forget itself when conducted by hate and devils...
Tribute to those who suffered
Sergio Cárdenas
{K:25028} 6/24/2005
Nice and beautiful scene, the tones and perspective it's very well done
Dirk Noort
{K:9683} 6/12/2005
Incredible expression of one of the saddest times in history. Regards, Dirk.
Enrico Gori
{K:1645} 6/10/2005
birkenau...una foto davvero significativa, quanto c'è nell'immagine di quei binari che finiscono!!!
Clifton Jones
{K:10688} 6/9/2005
PERFECTION....excellent composition....well captured image..... Clifton.......
Jeanette Hägglund
{K:59855} 6/9/2005
So moody - i can see where it is :((( Look at the standpost to the right, mama mia, as they have in the forrest to hunt animals...
Umberto Bazzoni
{K:1384} 6/9/2005
Come immaginavo. Veramente terrificante!
Tomek Drabas
{K:92} 6/9/2005
I love the mood of this picture!!! Great composition of lines!!! You put exactly the climate of the place in this picture!!! Excellent!!!
{K:11924} 6/9/2005
I love all the different lines or patterns found in this photo. Perfectly composed and the tones are perfect. Great capture Paolo :)
Guido Fulgenzi
{K:6076} 6/9/2005
ottime nella composizione ,nella tonalià e nel fascino tenebroso che trasmette! ciao,Guido
Burak Tanriover
{K:16610} 6/8/2005
very beautiful mood and composition,I like the thexture,best regards
Mila Croft
{K:6038} 6/8/2005
È molto bella Paolo, hai ricostruito un'atmosfera e una sensazione di "senza speranza" davvero toccante, ben fatta, la metto tra le mie preferite
Bruno Caetano
{K:2940} 6/8/2005
Very strong image Paolo.
Ann Texter
{K:10064} 6/8/2005
Very moody image, I like the way you have composed it also. Excellent! :)
ventrix drogo
{K:65398} 6/8/2005
Un'immagine di sicuro impatto gia' dalla miniatura, infatti stavo considerando la malinconia e la freddezza che emanava quando si e' aperta e ho letto l'about. Certamento un documento per riflettere e pensare alle nefandezze compiute nella speranza di non compierle nuovamente.
Ottimo documento.
soul 21
{K:27572} 6/8/2005
ricordo questa tua Fotografia ricordo la sua intensità che si ripresenta immutata complimenti
Rosario Esposito
{K:9796} 6/8/2005
Sono in piene sintonia con Umberto,appene l'ho vista mi ha dato una semsazione di tristezza mista a panico,se è quello che cercavi in queta immagine......bhe, per me ci sei riuscito.Bravo -Rosario-
Raffaele Lepore
{K:1741} 6/8/2005
Scatto straordinariamente coinvolgente. Sei riuscito a cogliere un'atmosfera agghiacciante, quella stessa atmosfera che ha dolorosamente segnato la vita di tanti uomini.......donne........bambini.
Linda Imagefree
{K:72276} 6/8/2005
Very well captured and seen, the title is so appropriate here, really adds to the feel of this one. I like the misty trees in the background, no one knows what lies beyond, excellent tones...very well done...:):)Linda
Hani Ghayhab
{K:3723} 6/8/2005
Ayşe Sanem Çolak
{K:4516} 6/8/2005
very atmospheric and great tones!
Jaap Poot
{K:7926} 6/8/2005
great capture,makes me shiver when you realize what happend there,sad thing is that these things still happen,and that one seems to have learned anything.
{K:15913} 6/8/2005
Great atmosphere and sepia tones! Congratulations Paolo!
Laurie Gould
{K:11942} 6/8/2005
Wow! This is really amazing. I love the feeling that these tracks just go on forever, leading into the unknown. Fantastic tones and I love the misty trees. You've captured a great mood in this one. Outstanding! :)
Paolo Corradini
{K:59552} 6/8/2005
..grazie per il commento si in effetti Birkenau non è altro che Auschwitz 2, i binari arrivano direttamente alla stazione, resa famosa anche dal film spielberg ( ti allego una foto BIrkenau station) ciao

Angelo Villaschi
{K:49617} 6/8/2005
You have made the mood of your final image match the subject, the mood and nature of the place, very well. It is dark and sombre and imparts a feeling of hopelessness... the tracks lead nowhere.
A fitting image for a place that should never be forgotten.
Umberto Bazzoni
{K:1384} 6/8/2005
Mette un senso quasi di terrore. Ho l'impressione che tu l'abbia scattata nei pressi di un campo di concentramento.... Scatto eccellente che esprime il ricordo di uno dei peggiori momenti della storia. Ciao Paolo.
arwa abdullah
{K:34415} 6/8/2005
WOW! excellent!