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two towers
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Image Title:  two towers
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 By: Onur Özbakan  
  Copyright ©2005

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Photographer Onur Özbakan  Onur Özbakan {Karma:16763}
Project #50 Alternate Perspective Camera Model Panasonic Lumix DMC FZ-20
Categories Abstracts
Film Format
Portfolio elements
Lens Leica vario-Elmarit 36-432 mm eq. f/2.8
Uploaded 5/31/2005 Film / Memory Type Digital ISO 80
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 610 Shutter 1/2000
Favorites Aperture f/4.0
Critiques 21 Rating
/ 6 Ratings
Location City -  Istanbul
State -  USKUDAR
Country - Turkey   Turkey
About All set ready to go, but little does he know
He ain?t comin? back no more
All set ready to fly into that deep blue sky
Like so many times before
Now the tower?s callin?, there?s no reply
And there?s nothin they can do
Now the night is fallin? before their eyes
Still no one?s comin? through, callin?
Somewhere out in time, God knows what?s on his mind
Is there a reason for his doubt
Somehow una ware just like he didn?t care
There must be ways of gettin? out
Now the tower?s callin?, there?s no reply
And there?s nothin they can do
Now the night is fallin? before their eyes
Still no one?s comin? through, callin?

Song by Europe
In fact here there is one tower if you look carefully. I want to thank Ozan for letting me use the extra lens that belongs o him the eyeglasses :)

The French name Tour de Leandre and Turkish name Kizkulesi both originate from legends. According to the first (which was actually set on the Dardanelles rather than the Bosphorus) the mythological hero Leander used to meet here with his beloved Hero, but one night he was drowned while swimming to the Tower and Hero committed suicide. The second refers to a story about a king of Scutari (Uskudar) who kept his beautiful daughter locked up here.
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There are 21 Comments in 1 Pages
G Kraskowski   {K:165} 6/18/2005
As You sad, the same title but abit different.............. Great idea with Your Two Towers. Congrats. Regards. Grzegorz


Kursat Oner Kursat Oner   {K:1580} 6/2/2005
cok ince detayli bir calisma ve hos bir dusunce !


Kursat Oner Kursat Oner   {K:1580} 6/2/2005
çok ince detayli bir calisma ve hos bir dusunce !


safak tortu safak tortu   {K:2724} 6/2/2005
Good idea, good shot...Congrats.....


Todd Miller   {K:16464} 6/2/2005
beautiful shot! great idea with the glasses, and nice contrast.


MErt Y   {K:1984} 6/1/2005
A really very nice idea my dear friend.

The mood of pastel colors and the and the drops suits eachother. They increases the impact of eachother.

It's very nice that you could have captured two towers. One is real and the other is imaginery. It's very meaningful that the imaginary one is sharper than the original one and it's on the eyeglasses of your model.


*** *** ***

Cok guzel bir dusunce ve cok guzel bir fotograf ustat...

Pastel renklerin fotografa verdigi hava ve gozluk camindaki damlalar biribirine cok yakismis.

Iki kizkulesi yakalamis olman cok guzel. O kulelerden sanal olanin daha net olmasi ve onun ayni zamanda modelin gozlugunde olmasi cok anlamli...



Sarah Robertson   {K:621} 6/1/2005
ooh how neat! its a really cool perspective


Onur Özbakan Onur Özbakan   {K:16763} 5/31/2005
sagolasin Peribacim.. bunu sevdim boyle yazinca da pek guzel oldu :) urgup/goremede yaziyorum sanki bu cevabi :) daha once pek fotografi cekilmemis bir kule malum, onun icin farkli bir bakis acisi getirmek zor olmadi :) hocam makinasini telefonunun ustune dusurmus, fotografi gorunce haberim oldu, uzuldum, gecmis olsun dileklerimi iletiver.. :)))


Onur Özbakan Onur Özbakan   {K:16763} 5/31/2005
sagolasin hocam, ben de Ozan'in yaninda bakinirken birden farkettim oyle oldugunu ve elimdeydi makine zaten, sonrasi da burada sonuclanmis oldu zaten. kahve gununu sabirsizlikla bekliyorum hocam..


Ozan Akiman Ozan Akiman   {K:243} 5/31/2005
turkce meali:
oncelikle fotografin yeniden yüklenmesine sebep oldugum icin camiadan ozur dilerim. asiri miyop olayina katilamayacagim. topu topu 1.75 sol goz :)

gozlugun camindaki iki damla yagmurdu. bu kareye giremeyen ucuncu bir damla ise suzuluyordu usul usul yanagimdan o anda.

eline saglik onur'um bir kez daha...

ozan nam-i diger fot-O-model ;)

translated as:
first of all, i would like to apologise for getting this photo reposted. i do not agree with the high level of miyopia. it is only 1.75 for the left eye :)

the two drops on the glass are due to rain. there was a third drop, not appearing in this shot, sliding slowly down my cheek.

once again, well done Onur...

ozan a.k.a photomodel ;)


- - - -   {K:10510} 5/31/2005
ahha! yarama tuz bastin ama sen.. kiz kulesine gitmeden ölürsem gözüm acik giderim..
asik oldugum mekan..



Onur Özbakan Onur Özbakan   {K:16763} 5/31/2005
herkesten ozur dilerim bir commente cevap yazarken yine tutamadim kendimi, icinden birsyler dokuldugunu bildigim biri icin icimden birseyler dokuldu, sonra burada yer almamasini daha dogru buldum ve silip yeniden yuklemek zorunda kaldim...


Ozan Akiman Ozan Akiman   {K:243} 5/31/2005
öncelikle fotoğrafın yeniden yüklenmesine sebep olduğum için camiadan özür dilerim. aşırı miyop olayına katılamayacağım. topu topu 1.75 sol göz :)

gözlüğün camındaki iki damla yağmurdu. bu kareye giremeyen üçüncü bir damla ise süzülüyordu usul usul yanağımdan o anda.

eline sağlık onur'um bir kez daha...

ozan nam-ı diğer fot-O-model ;)


carlo raingini carlo raingini   {K:11977} 5/31/2005
ilk baktigimda acaba dedim two towers derken önde kiz kulesi arkada siluet olarak galata kulesi mi var . gerci burda da gozlukten gorunen kule ile normal gorunen kule arasinda farklilik var. 1karede 1 seyin 2 ayri goruntusu var. neresinden bakarsan bak yaratici bir dusunce olmus. eline, fikrine gozune saglik ustadim. tebrikler,



Galal El Missary   {K:84569} 5/31/2005
Excellent composition Onur , well done .



Pelin Altinoz   {K:648} 5/31/2005
onurcum enteresan bir foto olmus...gozklukteki manzara .asiri miyop bir arkadas ve tabiiki caniiimmm istanbulum:)))


April . April .   {K:4832} 5/31/2005
bugulu hali güzel ama gözlük camindan görünen hali ayri bir güzel olmus.. gözyasi da olsa o damla yagmur da olsa çok güzel.. Ozan'a sevgiler..


mary karimi mary karimi   {K:10818} 5/31/2005
hi again,I love everything about this image! Your composition is fantastic!especially love his glass...
as well as the very well balanced composition.
good luck!
pleas don't remove this shot...I LOVE IT.


husniye yurtseven husniye yurtseven   {K:333} 5/31/2005
yok erkoc kafayi yemedi use!
bende yazmistim tekrar yaziyorum simdi::)

hocammm.. fikir iyi yansima guzel olmus.,
tebrik,takdir vs...
sevgiyle kal..


Jeanette Hägglund Jeanette Hägglund   {K:59855} 5/31/2005
A question Onur, why did you remove and repost, i can?t see any difference....?
Ok, once again then! Great with this sihouette against the humid blurry cityscape. I can see the extra tower in is glasses - cool - perfect seen and captured my friend!



erkoc dalaman   {K:4295} 5/31/2005
Onur noldu boyle?..usefilm kafayi yedi yine galiba..ayni fotografin tekrar burada ama yorumsuz..noluyor yahuu?:)




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