City - Waterford State - LEMYBRIAN Country - Ireland
I personally like this image a lot. In fact it probably sums up my own personal style quite well. Its a spin on of the rule of thirds - not geometrically perfect - but instead using three definate textures to make up the image. The road in the forground, the wall in the centre and the woodland in the background are interesting to look at in their own right but looking closely the road is cracked and has broken sunlight laying across it. The stonework in the wall is intricate and the woods have low evening sunlight bringing up the contrast nicely. The white line is the icing on the cake - it throws the perspective off a bit and keeps bringing the eye back in around to view again. A visual loop.
This would be better if the white line was NOT there in my opinion. I would have thrown a bucket of water round the bottom right of the pic, just to bounce the eyes back to the stonework, which is the whole picture anyway. Just think of the guys that built that wall. Pride rather Money I'd say... Larry