Thank you for your help. I agree with you: Photoshop is a very hard program to learn. I'm trying your techniques just now and I notice that this photo can be improve in a better way. I'll try this techniques before upload a new photo. For now I want to register my acknowledgment for your help. You're a very kind person. Thank you so much.
1, copied the entire frame to the clipboard (Use the marquee tool to outline the entire frame and then "edit, copy"
2, "Image. adjust levels" use the sliders to adjust the black level to darken the background, pay no atenntion to what is happening to your subject as you will fix in the next step) Also, you may want to adjust the Gamma by using the middle slider.
3, "Layers, new, layer" then "Edit, paste" Now you are back to your original. select the easer tool, set the opacity to about 50%. pick a soft brush and set the size to a comfortable size. Now use the eraser to brush in the darker background.. then, "layers, merge visiable"
3, "Image, mode, lab color" Now "Window, Channels" Click on "Lightnes" Now, "Filter, sharpen, unsharpe mask" set the radius to around 2.4 the treshold to 0 and set the amount to where you where it just starts to sharpen your subject, (don't over do it) now adjust the treshold to remove any sharpening noise from the back ground while retaining the sharpening on your subject.
Now "image", "mode" "RGB". (doing sharpening to the lightness chnl only, insure we create no color noise when sharpening, there are several sharpening techniques, this is only one)
Thanks Roberto! I like this one too. We do not have such colorful birds here in South Dakota.
I would be happy to help you ot with some techniques in PhotoShop. It can be a difficult program to learn. The key to most is using "layer masks" You may want to read the help file on this.