João F * Photography
{K:41945} 2/20/2006
Interesting fluid composition Petal. joão
Peter Godden
{K:745} 4/22/2005
Wonderful abstract with sensational reflections and colour. Beautifully done! Regards Peter
Alastair Bell
{K:29571} 4/13/2005
Superb abstract Petal... love the clarity of the glass and all the reflections... So clever to see this image and capture it so well!
Juan Pablo Cheret
{K:136} 4/13/2005
Beautiful. Clean picture. Looks like pure water. Congrats ! JP
Petal Wijnen
{K:50989} 4/12/2005
If it would've been on film and paper I could say: I don't stick... ;-D!! But it's more likely that it's because I shot it on tele setting and the light came from behind....
Evelyn Mayes
{K:8132} 4/12/2005
Fascinating study in shadow and shapes and reflections! How did you avoid having your face and the camera from reflecting there too?
Mark Sherman
{K:15669} 4/10/2005
thats cool almost looks like the metal terminator rising out of the metal liquid. the bottom part just looks wild !