Kostas Tzanetos
{K:22012} 3/18/2005
being experimental is a rewarding thing,Shane ;-) i don't ride a bike myself but i've always thought they offer more opportunities for creative long exposures than cars do. be happy and keep shooting! kostas
Shane O'Neill
{K:3054} 3/18/2005
Hi Kostas,
As promised here is the shot I took using a bike in 1996 for an advertising project I did in college. The tripod is sellotaped the the cross bar!
Rgds, Shane
 1996 |
Shane O'Neill
{K:3054} 3/16/2005
Hi Kostas,
I took a shot like this some years ago but used a bike instead of a car! I scanned it to show you but keep forgetting to bring it with me to upload. As soon as I do you will see the original idea, but I still think your shot is one of the best examples I have seen because the light trails from a single point in the distance.
Thanks for the comment, Shane
Kostas Tzanetos
{K:22012} 2/28/2005
i remember you wrote about trying a shot like this,Shane ;-) the light trails are great and the composition good enough concerning the limitations of camera placement. i dont know if you have found this type of shooting interesting enough to do more,but your photo is a nice first effort anyway. i'm sure i would get more enthusiastic with the long exposure effect if i hadn't a portfolio full of similar pictures already ;-) regards, kostas
Barry Wakelin
{K:7838} 2/25/2005
Shane, I can relate to your issues! Converting beautiful transparencies into attractive digital images isn't as easy as we might hope. I would like to have a go with a high-end scanner one day and see just what's possible but in the meantime I guess we're stuck with frustration but balanced with the joy of the lightbox.
waldemar ebner filho
{K:5242} 2/25/2005
Shane, Very good these reflexions,beautiful effect.Hug
Shane O'Neill
{K:3054} 2/25/2005
Thanks for the comment Barry - the shot you see is a lot like your recent 6x7 work: better to see in the "flesh" than on a screen. There is detail like you described on the neg - when I scanned it, the resultant image was very soft. So I sharpened it in 2 seperate programs - Nikon 4 (worth it for its sharpening ability alone) and a little in PS. However the image started to break down, so what you see here is as close as I could get to satisfataction digital files eh! As for the exposure - well the lens will stop down to f22, but I went for f16 because I only got one shot at it so I stayed away from the extreme. The strange thing about this image is I was looking forward to using film again - but the results were disappointing - especially from the colour perspective. All of a sudden digital tweaking has gone from a muck-a-bout to a crutch!
Barry Wakelin
{K:7838} 2/25/2005
Pretty dazzling! I really like the swirling colours. A slightly shorter exposure or stopping down to f/22 (if that's poss with an OM1) might have differentiated the individual swirls more.
Larry O'Neill
{K:66} 2/22/2005
Good. Good. Good. Now do it again, and try get more colour in the bottom half. The mirror is a nice picture on its own. Larry
tony swan
{K:45} 2/22/2005
i know where it is i live in dublin the photo reminded me of veges not that ive been there .. i have been down for the Spree festival a few time and stayed in some shithole of a hostel nice to see osme more irish on the site see ya
ed lawson
{K:896} 2/22/2005
Great shot Shane. Oft attempted shot - rarely so good I think. cheers, ed
Shane O'Neill
{K:3054} 2/22/2005
bright lights, big city - Waterford City that is! in Ireland
tony swan
{K:45} 2/22/2005
where u driving in Las Vages
Mohammad Hamdan
{K:351} 2/22/2005
excellent, brilliant idea
ahmet özkan
{K:7216} 2/22/2005
Steve Bull
{K:2094} 2/22/2005
wow, great shot! i like what youve done. you sure did go to some effort to get this one and it paid off.