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I look at the sky and wonder
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Image Title:  I look at the sky and wonder
Favorites: 3 
 By: Ana Martins  
  Copyright ©2005

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imageopolis Featured Photographer Award Best In Project Award

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Photographer  Ana Martins {Karma:5643}
Project #19 Above Your Head Camera Model Pentax P3 / P30
Categories Travel
Deep Blue
Film Format
Portfolio Travel
The sky
Lens Pentax-A SMC 50 mm 1:2
Uploaded 2/20/2005 Film / Memory Type Kodak  Kodacolor Gold GB
    ISO / Film Speed 200
Views 2255 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 70 Rating
/ 23 Ratings
Location City -  Kuredu
Country -   
About Sometimes I look at the sky and wonder how is it possible that there is so much beauty in the world...
This picture was taken last August, in a sail-boat, in the Indian Ocean. I was just laying down, looking to the skies above and wondering...
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There are 70 Comments in 1 Pages
Martin . Martin .   {K:24957} 1/27/2007

Welp, 69 comments are wrong on this 1...



Ana Martins   {K:5643} 1/27/2007
Thanks, Maram :)


Ana Martins   {K:5643} 1/27/2007
I am glad you are the only one who gave me such an opinion, from the almost 70 comments I got. Well, it is your opinion and I respect it, even if I totally disagree.


Martin . Martin .   {K:24957} 1/27/2007

I can't believe my eyes! Winning 2 Awards with this is "Amazing"...

This capture is very soft, grainy, over sharpened in PS, and the DOF is lacking Depth, indeed... Nothing seems to be in focus?

Please don't take this personally, but I'm so sorry, that UF would inspire you do more of the same...

Your eye is spot on! But the quality of this photo is lacking, very much... ;(

Sorry, but this 1 tanks,



Czeslav Gavinkovski Czeslav Gavinkovski   {K:6800} 1/27/2007
The best!
Congrats for BIP!


Maram mohamed Maram mohamed   {K:1700} 1/27/2007
i can't say any thing except:


jessie voigts   {K:6772} 11/9/2006
i can hear the clanging...what a GREAT shot!


Cleveland Smith Cleveland Smith   {K:7006} 11/8/2006
Ana, congratulations on Photographer of the Day award, very well deserved, also for Best In Project with this great image.


boubekeur boukerma   {K:2623} 10/12/2006
Nice composition. Very graphic



Romy Fabian Garmaz   {K:17105} 10/12/2006
congrats for Photographer of the Day Award.


Cleveland Smith Cleveland Smith   {K:7006} 10/11/2006
Ana, congratulations on Photographer of the Day award, very well deserved with this image. Nature is a wonderful palette for images.


Gökhan KARAMAN Gökhan KARAMAN   {K:8878} 10/11/2006
very nice image good shot good compositions...


Engy Farahat Engy Farahat   {K:11591} 8/2/2006
Wow!! fabulous composition Ana!.. magnificent sky.
and lovely blue tone. excellent angle.
and great details. congratulation on the BIP & POD awards. really deserved it.



Marcio Janousek Marcio Janousek   {K:32538} 5/7/2006
belas linhas e enquadramento.
Boa foto em tons azul everdeados , parabêns.


Ollie Mackley   {K:1744} 7/13/2005
Amazing photo ana, I love this, really originl composition, fantastic blue you've achieved aswel. Great work.


José Vasconcelos Dias   {K:9341} 3/8/2005
A perspectiva desta foto está excelente e o céu ficou também muito bom com o azul a aparecer no meio do branco das nuvens. Parabéns pelo BIP e um abraço


Ana Martins   {K:5643} 3/1/2005
Foi, foi num veleiro! Eu estava deitada e tirei a foto olhando para cima :)
Ainda bem que gostaste!


Gustavo RS   {K:2745} 3/1/2005
Ana, mereceu sem duvidas o BIP. Que foto incrivel, que angulo de visao, me deixa quase tonto soh de olhar a foto. Isso foi num barco? Parabens.


Zeev Scharf   {K:25603} 2/24/2005
Preciosa toma Ana,muy bien compuesta y presentada
felicitaciones querida amiga por tu muy merecido BIP
Muchas gracias por comentar "Roundabout IR"
Un abrazo


Sergio  Cárdenas Sergio  Cárdenas   {K:25028} 2/23/2005
FELICITACIONES!!!!!!! por el fotografo del dia, super merecido.........
esta esta notables el angulo, muy buena composicion
mas saludos



Ana Martins   {K:5643} 2/22/2005
Thanks, Steve! I'm glad you like it :)


Stephen  Bowden   {K:64141} 2/22/2005
Excellent perspective Ana and congratulations on the BIP award - richly deserved :-)

Best wishes,


Daniel WIlliams   {K:9} 2/22/2005
Very nice perspective. When I see it, it makes me feel as if it is me looking up. Very nice capture.


Ana Martins   {K:5643} 2/22/2005
Thanks, Abel! I am really happy with the award :)


Ana Martins   {K:5643} 2/22/2005
Gracias, querido amigo :)


I g n a c i o D e L a F u e n t e   {K:10518} 2/22/2005
???Enhorabuena por el BIP!!!!


delete my account   {K:3679} 2/22/2005
great ana!!!!
fantastic point of view.. i love this one a lot
congrats on your BIP!!!!

best wishes abel


Francesca May   {K:6877} 2/22/2005


Paulo Martel   {K:2550} 2/22/2005
Parabens por mais este award D... merecido,
realmente não se podia pensar numa melhor imagem para este project :)
Bjnhs mtos,


Davide Bressanello Davide Bressanello   {K:3103} 2/22/2005
Really an original point of view, congrats!


Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 2/22/2005
hello Ana.. a true one your small jewel in Main-Page. appeals to to see this. it is just deserved in to perfect compositin and study of lines! a great effect gradevole, seems of being under to a small umbrella of the sky!
my best wishes, roby


Mark Evans Mark Evans   {K:17428} 2/21/2005
Thanks ana !! your are very kind and a good friend to me !! well done again !! cheers .. mark .


Ana Martins   {K:5643} 2/21/2005
Thanks, Mark, my dear friend! I learn a lot seeing your pics!
Drink some 1/2 pints of Guiness for me (when I am in the UK that's what I drink).


Mark Evans Mark Evans   {K:17428} 2/21/2005
Congratulations on your award ana !! well earned my friend , i will have a drink or 12 for you !! hee hee hee !!!! .. mark .


Ana Martins   {K:5643} 2/21/2005
Roberto, obrigada!
Tenho que agradecer a todos os meus amigos, que me tem ensinado bastante :)
Um abraco grande!


Roberto Okamura   {K:22851} 2/21/2005
Parabéns pelo merecido Award Aninha!!!!!!


Roberto Bertone   {K:13239} 2/21/2005
Ottima riprea Ana!!

Un saluto.


Graça Loureiro   {K:487} 2/21/2005
...como é que podemos ser tão pequeninos e tão grandes ao mesmo tempo, né? :) Grande perspectiva!


Ana Martins   {K:5643} 2/21/2005
Thanks, Jorge! I am going to take a look at your portfolio!


Ana Martins   {K:5643} 2/21/2005
Thanks, Diabo! Pick me up tomorrow morning at Schipol and let's party in a coffeeshop!


Ana Martins   {K:5643} 2/21/2005
Thanks, Teunis! :)


Jorge Pfützenreuter   {K:140} 2/21/2005
Fantastic shot!!!!


Antonia BauerleinSehnert   {K:30599} 2/21/2005
...enjoy it Ana...another biochemical wonder -- happiness!


Diabo     {K:2080} 2/21/2005
Congrats Diaba!
When is the party?


Teunis Haveman Teunis Haveman   {K:53426} 2/21/2005
Ana, Congratulations for POD


Ana Martins   {K:5643} 2/21/2005
Tu es a pessoa a quem mais tenho que agradecer porque foste tu que me iniciaste nestas andancas :)
Muitos bjos!!!


Paulo Martel   {K:2550} 2/21/2005
Mais uma vez, parabens :))
Mereces, tanto!...



Ana Martins   {K:5643} 2/21/2005
Muchas gracias, querido amigo :)
Estoy muy contenta!
Ayer regrese muy tarde a casa y ya no pude hablar con vos.
Un abrazo,


Perfect shot! Perfect title!


Ana Martins   {K:5643} 2/21/2005
Gracias, Armando! Ese premio de debe a mis amigos que siempre me inspiran a tomar mas fotos :)


Ana Martins   {K:5643} 2/21/2005
Gracias! :)


Ana Martins   {K:5643} 2/21/2005
Thanks, Toni!
I am really happy :)


Raphael Günther   {K:586} 2/21/2005
Unnusual view... I like the color tone and also the weird look the picture has. You can't really tell if it's upside down or no.


Gustavo Scheverin Gustavo Scheverin   {K:164501} 2/21/2005
Felicitaciones por el premio!!!!
Un abrazo!!


Miguel Andrade   {K:5463} 2/21/2005
Uma perspectiva fabulosa a resultar numa linda foto... muitos parabéns Ana!


hahahha!!!! FELICITACIONES !!!! querida amiga, eres la fotografo del día, yo pensé que sólo se habían equivocado con migo, hahahaahaha!!!!
Mentira es un premio muy bien merecido , eres muy buena fotografo en realidad, Dios te bendiga y felicitaciones nuevamente


Paulo Martel   {K:2550} 2/21/2005
esta muito bonita, a perspectiva é excelente... e faz muitas saudades desse passeio de barco ;)...




Antonia BauerleinSehnert   {K:30599} 2/21/2005
Hey, I just signed back on and noticed you received POD award! Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Ana Martins   {K:5643} 2/21/2005
I don't know about animals, Toni. But it's everything so fascinating, as you say, even the way we feel emotions! And the way things work - human body, other animals, plants, even microrganisms - so complex and perfect :)
Cheers, my friend!


Antonia BauerleinSehnert   {K:30599} 2/21/2005
Wow...takes my breath away. I wonder the same sometimes. And then I wonder what is inside us that makes us understand it as beauty...we are hardwired that way...your biochemistry of the brain -- so fascinating. (I wonder if animals also find visual beauty -- they must.)


Dan Lightner   {K:12684} 2/21/2005
Very interesting perspective,



Mark Evans Mark Evans   {K:17428} 2/20/2005
Superb ana !! great colours and detail , i love that sky .. best wishes .. mark .


Roberto Okamura   {K:22851} 2/20/2005
Linda composição e belo céu!!
Parabéns Aninha!!


Teunis Haveman Teunis Haveman   {K:53426} 2/20/2005
Ana, beautiful sky


Gustavo Scheverin Gustavo Scheverin   {K:164501} 2/20/2005
Impresionante perspectiva....hace doler el cuello...ja..ja...
Muy buen ojos Ana!
Un abrazo!


mauro ujetto   {K:335} 2/20/2005
beautifull image


Nour El Refai Nour El Refai   {K:12481} 2/20/2005
The title caught me, as it is very related to me and my beliefs.
it is a very beautiful image


I g n a c i o D e L a F u e n t e   {K:10518} 2/20/2005
Una estupenda imagen imagen, Ana. Y además evoca un momento envidiable!


Steven Ngion Steven Ngion   {K:397} 2/20/2005
nice view...




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