Ana Martins
{K:5643} 2/16/2005
Oi, Roberta! Obrigada pelo comentario! A danca vai bem, o fim de semana passado fui com as minhas colegas a Washington DC assistir a um show de belly dance. Foi muito interessante, havia tribal mas tambem cabaret! Um abraco, Ana
Roberta Higina
{K:1632} 2/16/2005
Oi Ana! Belíssima imagem. E a dança? Beijos Roberta
delete my account
{K:3679} 2/15/2005
WOW! What a dream island! I really wish to go there once! Wonderfull shot! very beautifull!
Gustavo RS
{K:2745} 2/14/2005
Otima foto Ana, com cores muito bonitas! Eu queria ver essa praia num dia de sol com polarizador.
Former Member
{K:4077} 2/14/2005
Linda foto Ana! Que vento hein! O retorno ainda é provisório, por insistência do site. Vamos ver... Falamos depois.
I g n a c i o D e L a F u e n t e
{K:10518} 2/13/2005
Excelente fotografia, y gracias por la dedicatoria. Me incluyo en los que añoran el mar
{K:2080} 2/13/2005
Nice pic. Not the over-saturated blue that you see on all the other beach-sky-ocean postcards, and that lonely chair perfectly fits into the scene.
Two ways to improve the pic. The first requires another trip to Kuredo to add something (I'm sure you'd love to), the second is a matter of not adding something.
The bend in the beach and the tree on the left are cropped too tight. Moving the camera a little to the left would have made the pic better, as you wouldn't lose anything by leaving out the far right part of the shot.
And the black frame is more suitable for a funeral pic than for a beach in paradise.
Serge Moscow
{K:-2917} 2/12/2005
My variant. Regards, Serge

{K:4764} 2/12/2005
very nice. congrats
Mark Evans
{K:17428} 2/12/2005
Great capture ana !! it looks great , nice colours .. well done my friend .. mark .
Teunis Haveman
{K:53426} 2/12/2005
Ana, great compositie Beautiful beach shot There are most wnd on the ocean Teunis
Gustavo Scheverin
{K:164501} 2/12/2005
WOW!...hermosa playa que se percibe ventosa. Muy buena las foto desde el punto de vista técnico...pero eso que importa?...ja...ja...vayamos a darnos un chapuzón! Un abrazo!
Marcus Armani
{K:36599} 2/12/2005
wonderful shot I like the wide angle perspective...
Miguel Andrade
{K:5463} 2/12/2005
Que linda foto e praia! belas férias, não? :) Beijos
Jan Symank
{K:22030} 2/12/2005
Beautiful beachline Wind in the palmtrees ! The warm colortones enhance the impression Regards Jan
Paulo Machado
{K:4482} 2/11/2005
Lindo lugar, bonita composição fazendo os olhos acompanhar a linha da areia. Expero que venham mais fotos deste paraíso. []s Paulo