Joćo F * Photography
{K:41945} 8/22/2009
Interesting portrait weel doned Carol. joao
Joćo F * Photography
{K:41945} 10/7/2006
Very good dear Carol C. !! rgds jo
The Pilgrim
{K:65007} 2/11/2006
Oh yes she is and that is the perfect title! The background is fine. I love the white lingerie! my favorte colors......Very erotic! Thanks for sharing this lovely image with us.
{K:12969} 2/21/2005
What wrinkles? Vampish model? cool shot.
Gustavo Scheverin
{K:164501} 2/19/2005
Bella foto, muy sensual!
Pedro Libório
{K:53861} 2/12/2005
wonderful girl and quite sexy image! I do like it a lot. regards.
Traci A. Quinn
{K:-83} 2/9/2005
I love this image in the original tones you posted it in .... I don't notice the wrinkles in backdrop.... I love the feel of this photo, model is very relaxed with you good connection! Traci =)
Amber Leah
{K:174} 2/5/2005
i love this one, it's my favorite of nikki... she looks absolutely stunning in this shot. Amber
Carol Cefalu
{K:8388} 2/4/2005
Thanks everyone..
The wrinkles didn't bother me but I wanted feedback.
As far as the blue cast Jeff..that is because of the "hot" cold lights... They are color corrected but I think an orange filter would improve them even more...
Vojtech..I tried the red channel conversion and loved it but wanted just a tad more color..
Thanks again guys...(and judi :>)
Jim Christensen
{K:18843} 2/4/2005
Are you kidding, I never saw the wrinkles till you mentioned. Very nice jimc
Paul Lara
{K:88111} 2/4/2005
with a beauty like that, I didn't even NOTICE the wrinkles until you said something, Carol. seriously. They're not a problem.
Jeff Fiore
{K:11277} 2/4/2005
Fooled with color correction (quick job). Let me know if it improved or the problem is my monitor.

Jeff Fiore
{K:11277} 2/4/2005
Carol, the wrinkles look fine, a little texture in the backgroud is not bad because she is wearing white so it helps with background seperation. The pose is very sensual and elegant. Only problem I have (and maybe it is my monitor) is I see a slight blue color cast similar to the previous posting.
Lucas L
{K:12145} 2/4/2005
lovely girl and photo, I think you should remove the wrinkles ...
Lawrence DiVizio
{K:2341} 2/4/2005
Carol, yes to the wrinkles and no to the wrinkles. Right above her butt caught my eye. I would have noticed, but either way it is a very good image.
{K:3516} 2/4/2005
No, nothing is distracting here - a very beautiful photo, with just the right amount of softness also.
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 2/4/2005
I don't find them too distracting at all. Although I think that some of the male viewers probably won't even notice them...LOL!! I just don't know why! She is very beautiful and you have captured her well.
Vojtech Tryhuk
{K:900} 2/4/2005
BW from red channel looks also good in my humble opinion...

Daniel Stratton
{K:2144} 2/4/2005
It really shows the contrast between her hair colour and skin tone, her skin tone has an almost translucent look to it. Nicely done, I think the white background suits her skin tone quite well. She looks quite attractive in this photo. She looks more self-confident, very sure of herself, in this shot. A challenging look about her, very appropriate given the title.